ComparingOmeletteReviews - OpenTrading/OpenTrader GitHub Wiki
After having used Backtesting, the open trader wants to compare how the Ingredients performed as a function of the Recipe, or the choices of configuration parameters used by the Recipe.
After having used Backtesting, the open trader will have a series of Omlettes, that are stored in HDF5 files. Each of the Ingredients in the Omlette will have configuration parameters. And each of the Omlettes will have Reviews, which are different metrics on the performance each of the Omlettes. The open trader wants to visualize this data to see how the configuration parameters effected the metrics of performance.
This is an important use-case as the whole point of Backtesting is to find the Recipe and Ingredients configuration parameters that give the best metrics of performance. And as there are a lot of different metrics, sometimes competing or conflicting, it must be easy to browse of visualize this data.
Tabular: Perhaps the simplest, and probably the fastest, it to display the data as in a spreadsheet-like display.
Plotting. We can display the data as in graph, but this is slower and it may not be so easy to visualize large numbers (20-30) of metrics from each of the Reviews, with large numbers (10-20) of Omlettes.
We will start with the tabular route, and elaborate it in this use-case.
For this we may have the required tool already: TabView.
Parent: UseCases