DocOTCmd2 - OpenTrading/OpenTrader GitHub Wiki
usage: [-h] [-v IVERBOSE] [-t] [-s LSET LSET] [-c SCONFIGFILE] [-P SMT4DIR] [-T SONLINETARGET] [-R IRETVALTIMEOUT] [lArgs [lArgs ...]]
This script can be run from the command line to send commands to a OTMql4Pika enabled Metatrader. It will start a command loop to listen, send commands, based on the cmd2 REPL, or take commands from the standard input, or take commands ascommand-line arguments.
Type help at the command prompt to get more help, or call the script with --help to see the script options.
The subcommands are:
- subscribe - Subscribe to messages from RabbitMQ on a given topic (sub)
- publish - Publish a message to a given chart on a OTMql4Py enabled terminal (pub)
- chart - Set and query the chart in Metatrdaer that the messages are sent to
- order - Manage orders in an OTMql4AQMp enabled Metatrader (ord)
- csv - Download, resample and convert CSV files into pandas
- backtest - Backtest recipes with chefs, and serve the results as metrics or plots (back)
- rabbit - Introspect some useful information from the RabbitMQ server
Useful cmd2 subcommands are:
- history - show the command history; rereun commands with: run.
- load FILE - load a script of commands from FILE.
- save * FILE - save a script of commands to FILE; use * for all commands, a number for that command, or nothing for the last command.
- edit - edit the previous command in an editor, or edit *, or edit FILE; commands are run after editor is closed; used EDITOR environment var.
- py [CMD] - execute a Python command CMD, or with no arguments, enter a Python loop: In the loop: self = CMD2 object, self.oOm = Omellete, self.oOm.oBt = Oven
- help [SUB] - help, or help on subcommand SUB.
Positional arguments: lArgs command line arguments (optional) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v IVERBOSE, --verbose IVERBOSE the verbosity, 0 for silent 4 max (default 4) -t, --test Run unit test suite -s LSET LSET, --set LSET LSET Set cmd2 settables, followed by name and value - repeat if needed -c SCONFIGFILE, --config SCONFIGFILE Config file for OTCmd2 options -P SMT4DIR, --mt4dir SMT4DIR directory for the installed Metatrader -T SONLINETARGET, --target SONLINETARGET ini section name with the routing and target -R IRETVALTIMEOUT, --timeout IRETVALTIMEOUT Timeout for waiting for a retval from publishing to Mt4
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