Components - OpenTrading/OpenTrader GitHub Wiki
OpenTrader is made without any additives or preservatives, and is GMO free: only pure, natural, Open Source components.
No animals were used in the testing or production of OpenTrader (except the animal that are the programmers who wrote the code).
For the pre-requisites, see Installation.
The Architecture is designed to be modular, and we aim at having components that can plug in to provide functionality.
For the prerequisites, see Installation.
For the backtesters, Backtesting
If you want to visualize and explore Omlettes, you can use ViTables.
Many of the Scientific Visualization packages can work with HDF files.
We will list here some of the ones we know of; please add your own comments here if you have tried them with Omlettes.
- See the Chefs listed in Backtesting
- seaborn
Parent: Architecture