TestsFeatures - OpenTrading/OpenTrader GitHub Wiki
UseCases are the starting point for our Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). The use cases are elaborated into required feature need to fulfil the use case, which are turned into BDD test features and scenarios.
The currently documented features can be found in the tests/features/ directory of the distribution.
We have been using py-bdd; from the top-level directory of the distribution, you could run the py-bdd tests with
py.test -v tests/
But we are having "issues" with py-bdd, including:
- no real documentation, just a README file;
- the code contradicts the documentation, about not reusing paraterized steps;
- the automatic generation of fixtures from step implmentations is too "magical" for our tastes - we would like fixtures to be explicitly declared with a decorator;
- it is inspired by behave, but with a number of design decisions that differ, such as enforcing a step type with the name, which are largely undocumented;
We will stay with behave as our BDD system and watch the evolution of the two projects. Behave is stable, not overengineered, evolving well, and the code is easy to money-patch or experiment with new features. The most important thing is to have the BDD use-case decision process for development, and to use the BDD feature files to document the implementation of the use-cases. We additionally use them to generate our examples, and our wiki pages: triple use!
From the top-level directory of the distribution, you could run the behave BDD tests with:
behave -v --capture tests/
(--capture is enabled by default, but you can't use --no-capture.)
This will create a directory at the top-level directory of the distribution called tmp where the BDD tests generate the scripts in share/examples. We generate our example scripts from the BDD documentation, and the generated example scripts should be identical with the scripts in share/examples.
We no longer run the tests with pytest-bdd so there may be problems running them now, but the systems are so similar, it is usually easy to bring implementations from behave to pytest-bdd. All Features that did run with pytest-bdd are marked with the @pytest tag, and should still run, but new features and scenari may not be picked up by the pytest-bdd runner.
Features are tagged with these tags, that may have the preconditions:
- @rabbitctl - requires you have pyrabbit installed: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyrabbit and have the 'rabbitmq_management' plugin to rabbitmq enabled, and the rabbitmq server running.
- @examples - generates share/examples files
- @pybacktest - should run under pytest-bdd as well as behave.
- @Mt4Running - tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running,
- @OTMql4Zmq - tests will only work if you have an OTMql4Zmq enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it.
- @OTMql4AMQP - tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestPikaEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it, and the RabbitMQ server configured and running.
- @Mt4Connected - the Metatrader is logged in and connected.
- @examples - generates examples script files
- @pytest - should run under pytest-bdd as well as behave.
- @wip - work-in-progress - may or may not work
- @fixme - work-in-progress - probably won't work
- @broken - work-in-progress - won't work
Feature: csv command Download, resample and convert CSV files into pandas:
csv url PAIRSYMBOL - show a URL where you can download 1 minute Mt HST data csv resample SRAW1MINFILE, SRESAMPLEDCSV, STIMEFRAME - Resample 1 minute CSV data, to a new timeframe and save it as CSV file
For help on subcommands type: csv help <sub>
Scenario: csv url
For help on options type: help csv Given We get help when we type "csv help url" """csv url PAIRSYMBOL - show a URL where you can download 1 minute Mt HST data For help on options type: help csv """ **Scenario:** csv resample {{{ For help on options type: help csv Given We get help when we type "csv help resample" """csv resample SRAW1MINFILE, SRESAMPLEDCSV, STIMEFRAME - Resample 1 minute CSV data, to a new timeframe and save it as CSV file For help on options type: help csv """
Feature: chart command chart For help on subcommands type: chart help <sub>
Scenario: chart list
For help on options type: help chart Given We get help when we type "chart help list" """chart list For help on options type: help chart """ **Scenario:** chart get {{{ For help on options type: help chart Given We get help when we type "chart help get" """chart get For help on options type: help chart """ **Scenario:** chart set {{{ For help on options type: help chart Given We get help when we type "chart help set" """chart list For help on options type: help chart """
Feature: subscribe command
Subscribe to messages from RabbitMQ on a given topic:
sub get - get the current target for subscribe; defaults to: the first value of default['lOnlineTargets'] in OTCmd2.ini sub set TARGET - set the target for subscribe, must be one of: the values of default['lOnlineTargets'] in OTCmd2.ini sub config - configure the current target for subscribe: [KEY [VAL]] sub run TOPIC1 ... - start a thread to listen for messages, TOPIC is one or more Rabbit topic patterns. sub topics - shows topics subscribed to. sub hide TOPIC - stop seeing TOPIC messages (e.g. tick - not a pattern) sub show - list the message topics that are being hidden sub show TOPIC - start seeing TOPIC messages (e.g. tick - not a pattern) sub pprint ?0|1 - seeing TOPIC messages with pretty-printing, with 0 - off, 1 - on, no argument - current value sub thread info - info on the thread listening for messages. sub thread stop - stop a thread listening for messages. sub thread enumerate - enumerate all threads
Common RabbitMQ topic patterns are:
- # for all messages,
- tick.# for ticks,
- timer.# for timer events,
- retval.# for return values.
You can choose as specific chart with syntax like:
The RabbitMQ host and login information is set in the [RabbitMQ] section of the OTCmd2.ini file; see the -c/--config command-line options. For help on subcommands type: subscribe help <sub>
Scenario: subscribe get
For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help get" """subscribe get For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe config {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help config" """subscribe config - configure the current target for subscribe: [KEY [VAL]] For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe topics {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help topics" """subscribe topics: shows topics subscribed to For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe set {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help set" """subscribe set For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe thread {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help thread" """thread info - info on the thread listening for messages. thread stop - stop a thread listening for messages. For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe hide {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help hide" """subscribe hide: stop seeing TOPIC messages (e.g. tick - not a pattern) For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe show {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help show" """subscribe show start seeing TOPIC messages (e.g. tick - not a pattern) For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe pprint {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help pprint" """subscribe pprint: - seeing TOPIC messages with pretty-printing, - with 0 - off, 1 - on, no argument - current value For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe run {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help run" """subscribe run: start a thread to listen for messages, For help on options type: help subscribe """ **Scenario:** subscribe list {{{ For help on options type: help subscribe Given We get help when we type "subscribe help list" """subscribe list For help on options type: help subscribe """
Feature: publish command
Publish a message via RabbitMQ to a given chart on a OTMql4Py enabled terminal:
}}} You wont see the return value unless you have already done a: {{{ sub run retval.#
The RabbitMQ host and login information is set in the [RabbitMQ] section of the OTCmd2.ini file; see the -c/--config command-line options. For help on subcommands type: publish help <sub>
Scenario: publish get
For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help get" """pub get - get the current target for publish; defaults to: the first value of default['lOnlineTargets'] in OTCmd2.ini For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish config {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help config" """pub config - configure the current target for publish: [KEY [VAL]] For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish set {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help set" """ pub set TARGET - set the target for publish, For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish wait {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help wait" """pub wait COMMAND ARG1 ... - publish a Mql command to Mt4 and wait for the result, the command should be a single string, with a space seperating arguments. For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish exec {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help exec" """pub wait COMMAND ARG1 ... - publish a Mql command to Mt4 and wait for the result, the command should be a single string, with a space seperating arguments. For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish sync {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help sync" """pub wait COMMAND ARG1 ... - publish a Mql command to Mt4 and wait for the result, the command should be a single string, with a space seperating arguments. For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish cmd {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help cmd" """pub wait COMMAND ARG1 ... - publish a Mql command to Mt4 asyncronsly, the command should be a single string, with a space seperating arguments. For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish async {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help async" """pub wait COMMAND ARG1 ... - publish a Mql command to Mt4 asyncronsly, the command should be a single string, with a space seperating arguments. For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish eval {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help eval" """pub eval COMMAND ARG1 ... - publish a Python command to the OTMql4Py, the command should be a single string, with a space seperating arguments. For help on options type: help publish """ **Scenario:** publish json {{{ For help on options type: help publish Given We get help when we type "publish help json" """ For help on options type: help publish """
Feature: backtest command
Backtest recipes with chefs, and serve the results as metrics and plots.
The subcommands are:
- omlette - An omlette is an HDF5 file that saves all the data from a backtest
- feed - Create feeds (pandas DataFrames) from CSV OHLCV files
- recipe - Set the recipe that the chef will use, and make the ingredients from the feeds
- chef - Set the chef that we will use, and cook from the ingredients and the feeds
- servings - List the servings the chef has cooked, and dish out the servings
- plot - Plot the servings the chef has cooked, using matplotlib For help on subcommands type: backtest help <sub>
Scenario: backtest omlette
For help on options type: help backtest Given We get help when we type "backtest help omlette" """backtest omlette An omlette is an HDF5 file that saves all the information from a backtest, including the metadata: all of parameter values that were used in the recipe, the parameters used by the cook, and the servings results. You should open an omlette before you backtest giving it a filename, and close it after the 'chef cook' and 'servings'. {{{ back omlette open FILE - open an HDF file to save all the backtest parts back omlette check - show the current omlette filename back omlette display - display the current omlette HDF sections back omlette close - close the HDF file saving the omlette }}} Real Soon Now you will be able to enjoy them more by reloading previously saved omlettes, plotting the data or the results, and adding or editing comments. For help on options type: help backtest """
Feature: make command The make command lets us make things that are useful, such as making the feature files that will be used to run the tests.
- make [--features_dir] features: will generate the test feature files to test the code. For help on subcommands type: make help <sub>
Scenario: make features
For help on options type: help make Given We get help when we type "make help features" """make [--features_dir] features will generate the test feature files that are used to test the code from the code itself. This way, the documentation in the feature files is drawn directly from the documentation in the code, which makes it easier to keep it up-to-date with the code. make features uses the --features_dir dir option to the make command to know what directory the feature files will be written to. The directory must exist. For help on options type: help make """
@matplotlib @examples Feature: Load a feed from a CSV file and plot the chart of data
These tests require matplotlib be installed in your Python, AND REQUIRE HUMAN INTERACTION to close the plot once it is displayed. These tests will only work if you have pybacktest installed: https://github.com/ematvey/pybacktest You dont need to have a listener thread running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-backtest_feed_plot.txt
These tests will only work if you have created a CSV file tmp/EURUSD60-2014.csv Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "OTCmd2-backtest_feed_plot.txt" Then The "back recipe list" command will list the known recipes Then The "back feed read_mt4_csv tmp/EURUSD60-2014.csv EURUSD 60 2014" command will read the feed CSV data Then The "back feed info" command will show info about the feed Then The "back feed plot" command will plot the data using matplotlib Then Write the share/examples file Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@pytest @pybacktest @examples Feature: OTCmd2-backtest_omlette
These tests will only work if you have pybacktest installed: https://github.com/ematvey/pybacktest You dont need to have a listener thread running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-backtest_omlette.txt
These tests will only work if you have created a CSV file tmp/EURUSD60-2014.csv Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "OTCmd2-backtest_omlette.txt" When Assert os.path.exists("tmp/EURUSD60-2014.csv") Then The "back omlette open tmp/EURUSD60-2014.hdf" command will save the results of this backtest Then The "back omlette check" command will check that the omlette HDF5 file is valid Then The "back feed read_mt4_csv tmp/EURUSD60-2014.csv EURUSD 60 2014" command will read a CSV file from Mt4 Then The "back feed list" command will list the feeds we have read Then The "back recipe list" command will list the known recipes Then The "back recipe set SMARecipe" command will set the current recipe Then The "back recipe config" command will show the current recipe config Then The "back chef list" command will list the known chefs Then The "back chef set PybacktestChef" command will set the current chef Then The "back recipe ingredients" command will make the ingredients Then The "back chef cook" command will cook the recipe by the chef Then Comment This should be done in this order: Then The "back servings list" command will show the list of servings Then The "back servings signals" command will show the signals Then The "back servings trades" command will show the trades Then The "back servings positions" command will show the positions Then The "back servings equity" command will show the equity Then The "back servings trade_price" command will show the trade_price Then The "back servings reviews" command will show the reviews Then The "back omlette display" command will display gives a complete listing of the contents of the HDF file Then The "back omlette close" command will close and save the HDF file Then Assert os.path.isfile('tmp/EURUSD60-2014.hdf') Then Write the share/examples file Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@pytest @pybacktest @examples Feature: OTCmd2-backtest_recipe
Scenario: OTCmd2-backtest_recipe.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "OTCmd2-backtest_recipe.txt" Then The "back recipe list" command will list the known recipes Then The result will be a not-null list Then The "back recipe set" command will show the current recipe Then The result will be a not-null list Then The "back recipe set SMARecipe" command will set the current recipe Then The result will be a not-null string Then The "back recipe config" command will show the current recipe config Then The result will be a not-null list Then The "back recipe config default" command will show the current recipe config default section Then Assert len(self._G) > 0 Then Assert len(self._G.keys()) > 0 Then Assert 'sName' in self._G Then Assert 'sDescription' in self._G Then Assert 'fRecipeVersion' in self._G Then Assert 'lRequiredFeedParams' in self._G Then Assert 'lRequiredDishesParams' in self._G Then Assert 'lRequiredIngredientsParams' in self._G Then The "back recipe config" command will show the current recipe config sections Then Assert len(self._G) > 0 Then Assert 'mFeedOhlc' in self._G Then Assert 'rShortMa' in self._G Then Assert 'rLongMa' in self._G Then Write the share/examples file Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@rabbitctl @examples Feature: OTCmd2-backtest_recipe
These tests will only work if you have pyrabbit installed: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyrabbit and have the 'rabbitmq_management' plugin to rabbitmq enabled. See the OS command 'rabbitmq-plugins list' and make sure the 'rabbitmq_management' and 'rabbitmq_web_dispatch' plugins are enabled. You dont need to have a listener thread running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-rabbit.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "OTCmd2-rabbit.txt" Then The "rabbit get vhost_names" command will list the vhost_names Then Assert len(self._G) > 0 Then The "rabbit get channels" command will list the channels Then Assert len(self._G) > 0 Then The "rabbit get connections" command will list the connections Then Assert len(self._G) > 0 Then The "rabbit get queues" command will list the queues Then Assert len(self._G) > 0 Then Write the share/examples file Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@pytest Feature: OTCmd2
You dont need to have a listener thread running.
Scenario: Load OTCmd2
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Then The "help" command output contains "Documented commands" Then The "garbage" command output contains "ERR:" Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@pytest Feature: OTCmd2
Settings for OTCmd2 are in a configobj .ini file that by default is found in the same place that the OTCmd2.py file is found, but you can use the OTCmd2.py -c or --config command-line option to specify an alternate location. It uses configobj with unrepr=True so the values are Python, not just strings.
Scenario: Settings for OTCmd2 are in a configobj .ini file
Given The configobj OTCmd2.ini exists And The configobj OTCmd2.ini is parseable
@OTMql4AMQP @Mt4Running @Mt4Connected @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4AMQP enabled Mt4 about charts
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestPikaEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it, and the RabbitMQ server configured and running. AND the Mt4 is logged in and connected.
Scenario: OTCmd2-chart.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "RabbitMQ-chart.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line target for listening Then The "sub run retval.# timer.#" command will start a listener thread running, subscribed to retval and timer topics Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will list all the charts the listener has heard of Then The "chart set" command will set the target chart to the last one weve seen Then The "chart get" command will show the target chart we have set Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4AMQP @Mt4Running @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4AMQP enabled Mt4 about orders
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestPikaEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it, and the RabbitMQ server configured and running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-ord.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "RabbitMQ-ord.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line target for listening Then The "sub run retval.# timer.#" command will start a listener thread running, subscribed to retval and timer topics Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart set" command will set the target chart to the last one weve seen Then The "pub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line target for speaking Then The "order list" command will list the details of current orders Then The "order history" command will list the details of closed orders Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4AMQP @Mt4Running @Mt4Connected @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4AMQP enabled Mt4 about Account information.
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestPikaEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it, and the RabbitMQ server configured and running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-pub_wait-Accounts.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Then Collect share/examples to "RabbitMQ-pub_wait-Accounts.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line target Then The "sub run retval.# timer.#" command will give us a listener thread running, subscribed to retval.# Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will get the list of charts we have seen because of listening to the timer Then Assert type(self._G) == list and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "chart set" command will set the default chart to the first of list of charts we have seen Then The "chart get" command will check the default chart Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line speaker target Then The "pub wait AccountBalance" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float and type(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub wait AccountCompany" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait AccountCredit" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountCurrency" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) >= 3 Then The "pub wait AccountEquity" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountFreeMargin" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountFreeMarginMode" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountLeverage" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G > 0 Then The "pub wait AccountMargin" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountName" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait AccountNumber" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G > 0 Then The "pub wait AccountProfit" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountServer" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait AccountStopoutLevel" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait AccountStopoutMode" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4AMQP @Mt4Running @Mt4Connected @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4AMQP enabled Mt4 about JSON account information.
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestPikaEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it, and the RabbitMQ server configured and running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-pub_wait-jOT.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Then Collect share/examples to "RabbitMQ-pub_wait-jOT.txt" Then The "sub get" command will show the on-line targets from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line target Then The "sub run retval.# timer.#" command will We need a listener thread running, subscribed to retval.# Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will get the list of charts we have seen because of listening to the timer Then Assert type(self._G) == list and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "chart set" command will set the default chart to the first of list of charts we have seen Then The "chart get" command will check the default chart Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line speaker target Then The "pub wait jOTAccountInformation" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait jOTOrdersTickets" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait jOTOrdersHistory" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait jOTOrdersTrades" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4AMQP @Mt4Running @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4AMQP enabled Mt4 about the terminal.
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestPikaEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it, and the RabbitMQ server configured and running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-pub_wait.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Then Collect share/examples to "RabbitMQ-pub_wait.txt" Then The "sub get" command will get the on-line targets from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line listener target Then The "sub run retval.# timer.#" command will We need a listener thread running, subscribed to retval.# Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will get the list of charts we have seen because of listening to the timer Then Assert type(self._G) == list and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "chart set" command will set the default chart to the first of list of charts we have seen Then The "chart get" command will check the default chart Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line speaker target Then The "pub wait OrdersTotal" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G >= 0 Then The "pub wait Period" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G > 0 Then The "pub wait RefreshRates" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert self._G == True Then The "pub wait Symbol" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) >= 3 Then The "pub wait TerminalCompany" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait TerminalName" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait TerminalPath" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait WindowBarsPerChart" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and type(self._G) > 0 Then Comment ##? string -1 pub wait WindowFind" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait WindowFirstVisibleBar" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and type(self._G) > 0 Then Comment ##? void pub wait WindowRedraw Then The "pub wait WindowsTotal" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and type(self._G) > 0 Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4AMQP @Mt4Running @examples Feature: Subscribe to messages from RabbitMQ on a given topic
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4AMQP enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestPikaEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it, and the RabbitMQ server configured and running.
Scenario: OTCmd2-sub.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "RabbitMQ-sub.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set RabbitMQ" command will set the on-line target Then The "sub run retval.# timer.#" command will start a listener thread running, subscribed to retval and timer topics Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "sub show" command will list the message topics that are being hidden Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will you should see some timer messages in JSON format Then The "sub hide timer" command will stop seeing timer messages Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will now you should see no timer messages Then The "sub show timer" command will start seeing timer messages again Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will now you should see timer messages Then The "sub pprint" command will show TOPIC messages with pretty-printing Then The "sub pprint 0" command will set pretty printing: with 0 - off, 1 - on Then The "sub pprint 1" command will show pretty printing current value with no argument Then The "sub thread info" command will info on the thread listening for messages. Then The "sub thread enumerate" command will enumerate all threads Then Write the share/examples file Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4Zmq @Mt4Running @Mt4Connected @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4Zmq enabled Mt4 about charts
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4Zmq enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it. AND the Mt4 is logged in and connected.
Scenario: OTCmd2-chart.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "ZeroMQ-chart.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line target for listening Then The "sub run retval timer" command will start a listener thread running, subscribed to retval and timer topics Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will list all the charts the listener has heard of Then The "chart set" command will set the target chart to the last one weve seen Then The "chart get" command will show the target chart we have set Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4Zmq @Mt4Running @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4Zmq enabled Mt4 about orders
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4Zmq enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it.
Scenario: OTCmd2-ord.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "ZeroMQ-ord.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line target for listening Then The "sub run retval timer" command will start a listener thread running, subscribed to retval and timer topics Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart set" command will set the target chart to the last one weve seen Then The "pub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line target for speaking Then The "order list" command will list the details of current orders Then The "order history" command will list the details of closed orders Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4Zmq @Mt4Running @Mt4Connected @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4Zmq enabled Mt4 about Account information.
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4Zmq enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it.
Scenario: OTCmd2-pub_wait-Accounts.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Then Collect share/examples to "ZeroMQ-pub_wait-Accounts.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line target Then The "sub run retval timer" command will give us a listener thread running, subscribed to retval Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will get the list of charts we have seen because of listening to the timer Then Assert type(self._G) == list and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "chart set" command will set the default chart to the first of list of charts we have seen Then The "chart get" command will check the default chart Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line speaker target Then The "pub wait AccountBalance" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float and type(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub wait AccountCompany" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait AccountCredit" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountCurrency" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) >= 3 Then The "pub wait AccountEquity" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountFreeMargin" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountFreeMarginMode" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountLeverage" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G > 0 Then The "pub wait AccountMargin" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountName" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait AccountNumber" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G > 0 Then The "pub wait AccountProfit" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == float Then The "pub wait AccountServer" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait AccountStopoutLevel" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait AccountStopoutMode" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4Zmq @Mt4Running @Mt4Connected @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4Zmq enabled Mt4 about JSON account information.
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4Zmq enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it.
Scenario: OTCmd2-pub_wait-jOT.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Then Collect share/examples to "ZeroMQ-pub_wait-jOT.txt" Then The "sub get" command will show the on-line targets from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line target Then The "sub run retval timer" command will We need a listener thread running, subscribed to retval Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will get the list of charts we have seen because of listening to the timer Then Assert type(self._G) == list and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "chart set" command will set the default chart to the first of list of charts we have seen Then The "chart get" command will check the default chart Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line speaker target Then The "pub wait jOTAccountInformation" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait jOTOrdersTickets" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait jOTOrdersHistory" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait jOTOrdersTrades" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4Zmq @Mt4Running @examples Feature: Send messages to a OTMql4Zmq enabled Mt4 about the terminal.
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4Zmq enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it.
Scenario: OTCmd2-pub_wait.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Then Collect share/examples to "ZeroMQ-pub_wait.txt" Then The "sub get" command will get the on-line targets from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line listener target Then The "sub run retval timer" command will We need a listener thread running, subscribed to retval Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "chart list" command will get the list of charts we have seen because of listening to the timer Then Assert type(self._G) == list and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "chart set" command will set the default chart to the first of list of charts we have seen Then The "chart get" command will check the default chart Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 0 Then The "pub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line speaker target Then The "pub wait OrdersTotal" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G >= 0 Then The "pub wait Period" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and self._G > 0 Then The "pub wait RefreshRates" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert self._G == True Then The "pub wait Symbol" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) >= 3 Then The "pub wait TerminalCompany" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait TerminalName" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait TerminalPath" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == str and len(self._G) > 3 Then The "pub wait WindowBarsPerChart" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and type(self._G) > 0 Then Comment ##? string -1 pub wait WindowFind" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then The "pub wait WindowFirstVisibleBar" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and type(self._G) > 0 Then Comment ##? void pub wait WindowRedraw Then The "pub wait WindowsTotal" command will wait for the retval from Mt4 Then Assert type(self._G) == int and type(self._G) > 0 Then Write the share/examples file Then Comment if you dont exit properly, the test will hang Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
@OTMql4Zmq @Mt4Running @examples Feature: Subscribe to messages from ZeroMQ on a given topic
These tests will only work if you have an OTMql4Zmq enabled Metatrader running, the Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4 attached to a chart in it.
Scenario: OTCmd2-sub.txt
Given Create the OTCmd2 instance Given Collect share/examples to "ZeroMQ-sub.txt" Then The "sub get" command will set the on-line target to be the default from OTCmd2.ini Then The "sub set ZeroMQ" command will set the on-line target Then The "sub run retval timer" command will start a listener thread running, subscribed to retval and timer topics Then The "py import time" command will load the python time module Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will sleep for 15 seconds Then The "sub show" command will list the message topics that are being hidden Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will you should see some timer messages in JSON format Then The "sub hide timer" command will stop seeing timer messages Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will now you should see no timer messages Then The "sub show timer" command will start seeing timer messages again Then The "py time.sleep(15)" command will now you should see timer messages Then The "sub pprint" command will show TOPIC messages with pretty-printing Then The "sub pprint 0" command will set pretty printing: with 0 - off, 1 - on Then The "sub pprint 1" command will show pretty printing current value with no argument Then The "sub thread info" command will info on the thread listening for messages. Then The "sub thread enumerate" command will enumerate all threads Then Write the share/examples file Then Destroy the OTCmd2 instance
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