Home - OpenTrading/OpenTrader GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the OpenTrader project!

OpenTrader is an Open Source platform to communicate with on-line trading platforms, and includes the ability to:

  • write trading Recipes for multiple back-end testers (1 at the moment :-),
  • import data from CSV files or from the web for Backtesting,
  • analyze the Backtesting with multiple back-end reviewers (1 at the moment :-),
  • save the backtests, along with their parameters in an HDF5 file,
  • send and receive data from multiple on-line trading platforms (1 at the moment :-). For more details, see the FrontPage.



Use the Wiki to start topics for discussion; it's better to use the wiki for knowledge capture, and then we can pull pages back into the release documentation in the wiki directory. You may need to be signed into github.com to edit in the wiki.

Please format wiki pages as Creole. http://wikicreole.org/

Please file any bugs in the issues tracker.

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