Page Index - NOAA-GFDL/CEFI-regional-MOM6 GitHub Wiki
18 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- CEFI Computing Guide
- Analyzing Model Output
- CEFI Code Management
- Conducting a Retrospective Run with Containers
- Configuring and Running Model Simulations
- Connecting to PPAN and Running Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code
- Data Storage and Archive
- Getting and Maintaining Your Accounts
- Instructions for Adding a New Diagnostic in COBALT
- Model Diagnostics
- Moving Data
- Recovery from output stager failures
- Remote Access
- Rerun a specific year in FRE workflow
- Software maintained by MED Group role account on PPAN
- Using Jupyter Hubs or Notebooks on PPAN if user does not have access to GFDL public5 or 6
- Using Parallel Work to use VScode in RDHPCs