Click the power button to connect (may ask for master credential from time to time)
Go to "Workflows" tab on the left column and press tab
Press "openvscodelatest" option
Press the "run workflow" tab at the top of the page (middle tab)
Choose the cluster you just connected under host
Press "execute" button on the top right corner of the page
The system should jump automatically to "Sessions" tab on the left and open up the VScode interface right in the browser
One can open a new tab for only the VScode interface
Detail steps with figures
Connect to the website parallel work and login using the user name and RSA code one use to login to the RDHPCs
On the left hand side of the page, go to "Clusters" tab and pick the cluster one want to run the VScode on.
Click on the power button on the next page and the connection should be established before the following steps. Sometime the connection would ask for master credential which is the passphrase/password also used occasionally on RDHPCs.
Once the connection is successful. Close the popup and click on the "workflow" tab on the left hand side column and choose openvscodelatest option
It should open a page with three tab at the top. Choose "run workflow" and pick the cluster one want the VScode to be on. Press "execute" button on the top right corner.
Right now, the screen should automatically take you to the "sessions" on the left hand side column and running to create a VScode interface right in the page. One can also choose to open a separate tab that only has the VScode interface by pressing the "open in new tab" on the top right corner.