Instructions for Adding a New Diagnostic in COBALT - NOAA-GFDL/CEFI-regional-MOM6 GitHub Wiki

This example demonstrates how to add a new diagnostic in COBALT. Consider we want to add a new diagnostic for the iron adsorption integral in the upper 100m (jfe_ads_100), simply follow these steps:

1. Register new diagnostic

Currently COBALT uses the MOM6 register_daig_field function to handle single diagnostic field registry. This can be done by

First, declare new diagnostic ID id_jfe_ads_100 in cobalt_types.F90:

# find line 1192 in cobalt_types.F90 and add the following then save the file
id_jfe_ads_100 = -1,         &

Then register new diagnostic in cobalt_reg_diag.F90:

# find line 2330 in cobalt_reg_diag.F90 and add the following to register jfe_ads_100
    vardesc_temp = vardesc("jfe_ads_100","Iron adsorption integral in upper 100m",'h','1','s','mol m-2 s-1','f')
    cobalt%id_jfe_ads_100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2),&
         init_time, vardesc_temp%longname,vardesc_temp%units, missing_value = missing_value1)

2. Modify the source code to add calculation for your new diagnostic

The primary calculations for COBALT are performed in generic_COBALT.F90, while new variables must be declared in cobalt_types.F90. To implement the jfe_ads_100 diagnostic, which calculates iron absorption in the upper 100m, follow the steps outlined below.

First, declare a 2d jfe_ads_100 real array under generic_COBALT_type in cobalt_types.F90:

# find line 793 and add the following
jfe_ads_100, &

Then modify the main source code to include calculation of iron absorption in the upper 100m:

# find line 5945 and add the following
cobalt%jfe_ads_100(i,j) = cobalt%jfe_ads(i,j,1) * rho_dzt(i,j,1)

# find line 6074 and add the following
cobalt%jfe_ads_100(i,j) = cobalt%jfe_ads_100(i,j) + cobalt%jfe_ads(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k)

# find line 6210 and add the following
cobalt%jfe_ads_100(i,j) = cobalt%jfe_ads_100(i,j) + cobalt%jfe_ads(i,j,k_100)* &

# find line 7353 and add the following
allocate(cobalt%jfe_ads_100(isd:ied,jsd:jed))            ; cobalt%jfe_ads_100 = 0.0

# find line 7821 and add the following

3. Send COBALT diagnostic back to MOM6 diag mediator

The final step is to send COBALT diagnostic back to MOM6 diag mediator. This can be done by modifying cobalt_send_diag.F90

# find line 1050 and add the following
        used = g_send_data(cobalt%id_jfe_ads_100, cobalt%jfe_ads_100,         &
        model_time, rmask = grid_tmask(:,:,1),&
        is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)

Once you have completed the steps above and rebuilt your code, be sure to add your new diagnostic to the diag_table to ensure it is output during model runtime.

# Example of how to add jfe_ads_100 to the diag_table
 "generic_cobalt","jfe_ads_100",            "jfe_ads_100",               "ocean_cobalt_fluxes_int","all","mean","none",2