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Krzysiu Gimp Plugin Pack
Plugin list
Highlight selectionselect-highlight.py - fill selection with color and border it
Render cloudy backgroundcloudy-background.py - renders random clouds/gradients in chosen color, very nice for backgrounds
Dreamy picturedreamy-picture.py - variation of Orton effect - creates dream alike pictures - glowing objects with intense colors
Add number layersadd-number-layers.py - generates layers with numbers - possible aligning, formatting (like 001), applying background for generated layers and a lot more
Animate hueanimate-hue.py - generates colorized layers, which are ready to use for GIF animation
Watermark file with SVGwatermark-image.py - adds SVG watermark to image with relative size and margins
SVG to multisize iconsvg-to-multisize-icon.py - imports SVG file to create multisize icon. It utilizes the vector imaging power by importing different sizes - not just resizing in Gimp
Copy it directly to the plugin directory. If you are unsure where's your plugin directory, choose from menu item Edit>Preferences and select in the tree on the left Folders>Plug-Ins.
GIMP 2.8 (earlier versions aren't tested)
Python module for GIMP If you don't have it, reinstall GIMP and choose Python. It's worth it and you won't loose your settings.