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Krzysiu Gimp Plugin Pack

Plugin list

  • Highlight selection select-highlight.py - fill selection with color and border it
  • Render cloudy background cloudy-background.py - renders random clouds/gradients in chosen color, very nice for backgrounds
  • Dreamy picture dreamy-picture.py - variation of Orton effect - creates dream alike pictures - glowing objects with intense colors
  • Add number layers add-number-layers.py - generates layers with numbers - possible aligning, formatting (like 001), applying background for generated layers and a lot more
  • Animate hue animate-hue.py - generates colorized layers, which are ready to use for GIF animation
  • Watermark file with SVG watermark-image.py - adds SVG watermark to image with relative size and margins
  • SVG to multisize icon svg-to-multisize-icon.py - imports SVG file to create multisize icon. It utilizes the vector imaging power by importing different sizes - not just resizing in Gimp
  • Bounce animation bonuce-animation.py - converts animation to infinite loop (e.g. 1 2 3 4 <sub>1 2 3 4 1 2...</sub> to 1 2 3 4 <sub>3 2 1 2 3 4 3...</sub>
  • Multiply canvas size multiply-canvas-size.py - multiplies canvas size (e.g. width x2, height x3) and optionally adds guide lines


  1. Download selected plugin (.py file) or whole pack
  2. Copy it directly to the plugin directory.
    If you are unsure where's your plugin directory, choose from menu item Edit>Preferences and select in the tree on the left Folders>Plug-Ins.


  • GIMP 2.8 (earlier versions aren't tested)
  • Python module for GIMP
    If you don't have it, reinstall GIMP and choose Python. It's worth it and you won't loose your settings.
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