Highlight selection - Krzysiu/krzysiu-gimp-plugin-pack GitHub Wiki
Gimp plugin which allows to fill selection with color and border it in a simple fashion. It could be used to create tutorials ("click here" highlight), highlight the important part of PDF document etc.
- Choose plugin from menu:
>Highlight selection...
Protip! To move it, edit line"<Image>/Filters/Krzysiu/Highlight selection"
Protip 2! You can create a new layer to keep original image intact. - Set your settings or rely on default
- To repeat, select another part of image and press
(repeat last filter)
- Color and opacity of the background
Select "Use background color for border" if you want plugin to ignore border color and just reuse color of the background
- Color, opacity, round radius and size of the border
- Border type - position relative to the selection
Outer is outside selection, Inner is inside and Middle makes the selection middle of the border (in 4 px wide middle border it will be 2 px outside selection and 2 px inside)
- It won't work on multiple selections
- In indexed images alpha won't work, so if opacity of background or border >50, it will be 100% opaque and if lesser, it will be off
- It won't work if the border is inner or middle and the border would render bigger than selection
- Ability to add label inside highlight
- Different blend modes