Add number layers - Krzysiu/krzysiu-gimp-plugin-pack GitHub Wiki

Gimp plugin for generating text layers containing range of numbers. Very configurable. [Highlight selection plugin](Highlight selection) could be used with this plugin to create a nice effect (see example)

Example result I

Backgrounds of the numbers were created by [Highlight selection plugin](Highlight selection). Example use

Example result II

New features: using Roman numerals and fine-tuning of label: Example use 2


  • If you want to add background to the numbers, create a new layer and put there your background. Remember to crop it to fit your needs.
  • Choose plugin from menu: Filters>Krzysiu>Add number layers...
  • Set your settings or rely on default
  • Plugin will generate layers named after number (e.g. Autonumber ("4"))


There's a lot of them, but don't worry! Rely on default settings if you are unsure of something!

  • Range of numbers - start, end, step (for 1, 10, 3 it will generate 1, 4, 7, 10)
  • Font style, size, color and opacity
  • Randomize position of layers - doesn't stack all layers in one place, so it's easier to move them later
  • Layer group name - if you want to have layers grouped, provide the name for the group
  • Merge with background layer - merges every generated layer with the layer you choose. The crop of layer is important - the red numbers in the example were aligned to the bottom middle and the crop was as shown here: (edit: <- where? Something's missing here and I don't know what, sorry)
  • Offset tuning of the above (in px) - moves image higer or lower relative to the setting above Layer crop
  • Multiline/background horizontal align - it makes sense only if you use background or you set the format to multiline
  • Offset tuning of the above (in px) - moves image to the left or right relative to the setting above (see example II - it uses left +250px/middle +0px)
  • Vertical align - use valign middle and halign center to align it to the very center of background
  • Roman numerals - use Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV etc.). 0 fall backs to 0, as Romans didn't quite have the symbol.
  • Custom string format - string formatted in printf style (see full, official guide). Common cases:
    • It's the %d, really! will create number with text e.g. It's the 1, really!, It's the 2, really!, It's the 3, really!
    • %03d will change the number to have 3 digits, e.g. 001, 002, 003 - 3 here is padding length.
    • %x will convert numbers to lowercase hexadecimal, e.g. 8, 9, a, b
    • %X - same as above, but uppercase If Roman numerals are on, %d will be a Roman representation of number. Things like %03d won't work, it wouldn't make sense anyway.

The preferences window

Known limitations

  • The background layer, if used, have to be in the same image