Page Index - KSP-CKAN/CKAN GitHub Wiki
45 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- What is CKAN?
- Installing CKAN
- Getting help
- Contributing
- About
- Adding a GitHub API authtoken
- Adding a mod to the CKAN
- Build Environment
- Building CKAN
- C# Tips and Tricks
- Clean and reinstall process
- Code of Conduct
- Creating your own metadata repositories
- Creating your own netkan files
- Developers' Guide
- Guide to developing CKAN GUI plugins
- How does CKAN work
- How to Wrangle Metadata for KSP1
- How to Wrangle Metadata for KSP2
- Installing CKAN on Arch
- Installing CKAN on Debian
- Installing CKAN on Debian Jessie or Debian Stretch
- Installing CKAN on Fedora
- Installing CKAN on macOS
- Installing CKAN on openSUSE
- Installing CKAN on OSX
- Installing CKAN on Solus
- Installing CKAN on Steam Deck
- Installing CKAN on Ubuntu
- Installing CKAN on Windows
- Installing CKAN on Windows XP (Unsupported)
- Issues workflow
- Logging and user interaction
- Metadata labeling guide
- New Developers' Guide
- Releasing a new CKAN client
- Sharing a modlist (metapackages)
- SSL certificate errors
- Suggested Tags
- Troubleshooting
- User guide
- Version Rollback
- Workflow