Standard Simulation Workflow - JnSmmr/OpenPASS-Wiki GitHub Wiki
Getting started || Setup
When using the Driver Reaction Model module for OpenPASS simulations, it is a prerequisite to be able to carry out simulation runs on the OpenPASS framework.
As the steps for setting it up are well-documented on the OpenPASS website, they won't be explained further here.
When the simulation framework setup is finished and all required configuration files are present (and correct) in build/OpenPASS/configs
, the DReaM module can be used, as it merely extends the framework and does not require any additional setup steps.
Editing the config files
After finishing the starting setup, you will want to edit or replace the preset configuration files.
The configuration folder can be found under build/OpenPASS/configs
and contains all config files needed by the core simulation framework as well as DReaM. Given below is a brief explanation of every configuration file and its meaning, for the most important ones further information is linked and included in this wiki.
OpenPASS configurations
For a more detailed description of these configuration files and their contents, visit the OpenPASS documentation section about configs.
Scenery Configuration
The sceneryconfiguration.xodr
contains a representation of a given road network in the OpenDRIVE format. The framework supports Open Drive Standard 1.4, although there are some aspects that are not being modelled.
see: OpenDrive
The Scenario.xosc
describes the dynamic components of a simulation, In particular vehicles, pedestrians and possibly other contributors of a simulation. It uses the OpenSCENARIO format.
Of special interest for DReaM are the routes each agent follows. As this poses specific requirements to the file's structure,
see: OpenScenario
Pedestrian Models Catalog
defines models for different types of pedestrians in OpenSCENARIO format.
Vehicle Models Catalog
defines models for different types of vehicles in OpenSCENARIO format.
System Config Blueprint
Modules that are to be imported and channels linking distinct modules are defined in the systemConfigBlueprint.xml
. Use the file that comes with DReaM, as its modules are integrated there. Unless further modules are added, no changes to the present file are required.
Profiles Catalog
The ProfilesCatalog.xml
file contains a catalog with different profiles for traffic-rulesets, vehicles and drivers in particular. The general rules applying to the vehicles and drivers and some more specific car model informations can then be applied as profiles to the simulation's agents in the scenario configuration.
see: ProfilesCatalog
Simulation Configuration
The simulationConfig.xml
file defines core values of the simulation, most notably specifying other files and libraries that need to be imported and default traffic and environment values.
Driver Reaction Model Configurations
Behaviour Configuration
The behaviour.xml
is the main configuration file for DReaM. As the name suggests, in it the behaviour of all simulated entities is defined.
This extends to (TODO: concrete contents)
Execution and Results
While the simulation is running, the simulationOutput.xml
is created by the OpenPASS framework.
In addition to that, data and information that result from the DReaM Module are collected and written to DReaMOutput.xml
Both files and placed in the build/OpenPASS/results
The latter contains information about:
- Agents and their stopping points
- Possible Conflict Points
- For every timestep in the simulation: Information about e.g. visible entities, crossing phases... for every agent present
Using further third-party software, such as vincents schöner stuff, a Unity visualization of DReaM, the simulation's outputs can be used to generate a graphic representation of the results. Vincents schöner stuff was used to create the sample footage at
A more detailed overview on the DReaMOutput.xml
and its contents can be found here: Simulation Output