Profiles Catalog - JnSmmr/OpenPASS-Wiki GitHub Wiki
The ProfilesCatalog.xml
file contains the definition of a multitude of profiles that can later be applied to the scenario's entities and as such enable the user to build their desired scenarios easily. The file is structured into multiple different types of profiles: AgentProfiles, VehicleProfiles and a number of generic ProfileGroups. Latter can vary depending on the specific needs of the sumulation. A good part of the ProfilesCatalog is already well described in the ProfilesCatalog section of the OpenPASS documentation.
With the help of AgentProfiles, it is essentially possible to assemble a desired agent by assigning a DriverProfile and a VehicleProfile to it and group them into an AgentProfile. These can then be assigned to agents in the Scenario file.
<AgentProfile Name="MiddleClassCarAgent" Type="Dynamic">
<DriverProfile Name="Regular" Probability="1.0"/>
<VehicleProfile Name="Mini Cooper" Probability="0.6"/>
<VehicleProfile Name="BMW 3" Probability="0.4"/>
The DriverProfiles consist of all components that the driver's model consists of. They are defined as a ProfileGroup of type "Driver".
<ProfileGroup Type="Driver">
<Profile Name="Regular">
<String Key="Type" Value="DriverReactionModel"/>
<String Key="SensorDriverModule" Value="Sensor_Perception"/>
<String Key="AlgorithmLateralModule" Value="Algorithm_Lateral_TUDresden"/>
<String Key="AlgorithmLongitudinalModule" Value="Algorithm_Longitudinal"/>
<Profile Name="RegularBus">
<String Key="Type" Value="AlgorithmAgentFollowingDriverModel"/>
<String Key="AlgorithmLateralModule" Value="Algorithm_LateralAfdm"/>
<String Key="AlgorithmLongitudinalModule" Value="Algorithm_Longitudinal"/>
Key | Value | Description |
Type | DriverReactionModel | applies DReaM to driver |
SensorDriverModule | SensorPerception | sensor used by DReaM |
AlorithmLateralModule | AlgorithmLaternal_TUDresden | special module needed for DReaM |
AlgorithmLongitudinalModule | AlgorithmLongitudinal | Identical to OpenPASS standard |
Additional modules defined in the SystemConfigBlueprint like driver security systems can be added as components to the VehicleProfile, the same goes for additional sensors.
<VehicleProfile Name="Mini Cooper">
<Model Name="car_mini_cooper"/>
<VehicleProfile Name="BMW 3">
<Model Name="car_bmw_3"/>