Simulation Output - JnSmmr/OpenPASS-Wiki GitHub Wiki

While the simulation is running, all relevant data generated by DReaM is assembled and later stored in the xml-formatted file DreaMOutput.xml located at /build/OpenPASS/results. It is generated by collecting information from all agents at every timestep and writing them after the simulation's termination. Similar to that, the OpenPASS framework's own output simulationOutput is generated in the same folder.



Stopping Points

The stopping points are represented in the following format, giving the concrete coordinates of the point, the related road and lane as well as the stopping point type.

  <StoppingPoint posX="10.0" posY="1.0" OdRoadId="1" OdLaneId="-1" type="Vehicle_Crossroad" >

Conflict Points

Each conflict point is represented by the participating road's and intersection's OpenDrive RoadId and OpenDrive LaneId, as well as the respective start and end coordinates, split in X and Y.
In an example, this looks the following:

<ConflictPoint currentOdRoadId="7" currentOdLaneId="-1" intersecOdRoadId="0" intersecOdLaneId="-1" startX="7.08261" startY="91.86857" endX="-1.296002" endY="91.879748"/>


A sample for every timestep holds time-sensitive information about all agents at that specific simulation time. The sample's structure is specified in the <header> above, concatenating the same pattern for every agent:
--> TODO: Grafik einfügen mit farblicher Verdeutlichung der Bedeutung der einzelnen Teile eines Beispiels, kein Element leer

It contains:

  • Information about the agent's GazeState
  • Other agents the agent has or had some interaction with, identified by their AgentId as well as TODO: three doubles?!?
  • Information about the agent's crossing behaviour.
  • The agent's vision in form of the X and Y coordinate of it's fixation point

Further Use

The output file DReaM generates can be analyzed in terms of important events and metadata, e.g. when creating a critical situation possibly leading to a crash in certain circumstances. To further enhance the means of result evaluation, it can be useful to generate a graphic representation of the results, combined with the general simulationOutput.xml file to create a comprehensive and clear representation of rather complex traffic situations.
The usage of Vincents wundervolle Visualization is recommended, as it has been developed in close proximity to DReaM, thus being optimized to provide an accurate representation. An examplary view on it can also be seen in use on this project's website

TODO: example xml


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