Behaviour Configuration - JnSmmr/OpenPASS-Wiki GitHub Wiki


The behaviour.xml config file functions as the main configuration of DReaM. It describes properties related to the mental model of the agents TODO:only Ego agent?, thus enabling a detailed simulation of its behaviour and reasoning for actions.

Structure of Contents

The file is structured into three groups, namely ActionDecision, CognitiveMap and GazeMovement.

Action Decision

Cognitive Map


<group name="CognitiveMap">
  <set name="BehaviourParameters">
    <entry type="parameter" name="memoryCapacity" value="7" />
    <entry type="parameter" name="memorytime" value="5000" />
    <entry type="distribution" name="initialPerceptionTime" mean="1.21" stdDeviation="0.63" min="0.65" max="1.95" />
    <entry type="distribution" name="perceptionLatency" mean="0" stdDeviation="0" min="0" max="0" />

Gaze Movement

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️