LinqToSql - Helmut-Ortmann/EnterpriseArchitect_hoTools GitHub Wiki
You find standard SQL somehow old, limited, difficult to learn and a lot of dialects? You think a Compiler can find a lot of your typos, Then give LINQ to SQL a try. You have two possibilities:
- LINQPad as an interactive query and debugging tool, database independent, C#, F#, VB
- Develop your Add-Ins with LINQ to SQL,C#, F#, VB, see AddInSimple
The best: All the solutions are database independent, and you can explore them in hoTool, Project AddInSimple.
Add-In with LINQ to SQL
You find two examples to tinker with in AddInSimple. In essence:
- Determine Database and connection string
- Run LINQ query to DataTable
- Output DataTable to EA Model Search
- Enjoy
The results
Try develop your Add-In with the example AddInSimple delivered with in hoTools and the Example Database.
Control code
// Advanced LINQ to SQL example
case MenuShowRunLinq2DbAdvanced:
// get connection string of repository
connectionString = LinqUtil.GetConnectionString(repository, out provider);
// Run LINQ query to dataTable
dt = LinqUtil.RunLinq2DbAdvanced(provider, connectionString);
// Make EA xml
OrderedEnumerableRowCollection<DataRow> rowsAdvanced = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
orderby row.Field<string>(dt.Columns[0].Caption)
select row;
xml = Util.MakeXml(dt, rowsAdvanced);
// Output to EA
repository.RunModelSearch("", "", "", xml);
Query code
Query "countObjectTypes" for number of objects
Query "q" for all object_types, grouped with some results for each object_type
Query countReq for number of requirements
Query "q1" for all requireents, grouped by stereotype with some results for each requirement type
var sum = q.Concat(q1); // combine the two queries
// return as table to easily convert to EA xml by xml = Util.MakeXml(dt, rowsAdvanced);
return sum.ToDataTable();
public static DataTable RunLinq2DbAdvanced(IDataProvider provider, string connectionString) { using (var db = new DataModels.EaDataModel(provider, connectionString)) { // Total amount of Object_Types var countObjectTypes = db.t_object.Count(); // All object_types summary: // - Type // - Count // - Percentage // - Total count of object_types var q = (from c in db.t_object.AsEnumerable() group c by c.Object_Type into g orderby g.Key select new { Type = $"{g.Key}", Prozent = $"{ (float)g.Count() * 100 / countObjectTypes:00.00}%", Count = g.Count(), Total = countObjectTypes }); // Requirement summary: // - Type // - Count // - Percentage // - Total count of requirements var countReq = db.t_object.Where(e => e.Object_Type == "Requirement").Count(); var q1 = (from c in db.t_object.AsEnumerable() where c.Object_Type == "Requirement" group c by c.Stereotype into g orderby g.Key select new { Type = $"Req:<<{g.Key}>>", Prozent = $"{ (float)g.Count() * 100 / countReq:00.00}%", Count = g.Count(), Total = countReq }); // Concatenate Object Types with Requirement Types var sum = q.Concat(q1); // return as DataTable return sum.ToDataTable(); } }
Useful hoTools functions
The functions and classes are located in project: 'hoLinqToSql'
You can see them running in AddInSimpl.
Signature | Description |
DataModelEA1.generated.cs | DataModel of EA for LINQ to SQL (from linq2db) |
string = GetConnectionString(repository, out provider) | Get provider and connection string from EA |
xml = Util.MakeXmlFromDataTable(dt) | Get EA XML from DataTable |
xml = Util.MakeXml(dt, rowsAdvanced) | Get EA XML from DataTable and the query rowsAdvanced (only for advanced usages, use Util.MakeXmlFromDataTable(dt)) |
Class: LinqPad | Abstracts access to LINQPad (needs LINQPad license) |
Class: LinqPad | Collect the EA context and pass it to LinQPad (Context, Element, Selelected, Tree Selected |
Class: LinqPad.Run | Run LINQPad for a query and formats it as html, csv or text. |
Class: LinqPad.ReadHtml | Reads table 't1' from html and returns a DataTable (ready to output in EA Model Search Window) |
Get rowsAdvanced
Usually you create a DataTable and converts it via 'xml = Util.MakeXmlFromDataTable(dt)' to EA xml. Here you may do some additional finishing.
// Make EA xml from DataTable
OrderedEnumerableRowCollection<DataRow> rowsAdvanced = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
orderby row.Field<string>(dt.Columns[0].Caption)
select row;
// Convert query into xml
xml = Util.MakeXml(dt, rowsAdvanced);
// Output to EA
repository.RunModelSearch("", "", "", xml);
You find everything in hoTools Project AddInSimple! Search for "case MenuShowRunLinq2DbAdvanced:".
Trouble Shooting
Sometimes you get weird error messages. Something about SQL and LINQ to SQL can't...
Don't worry. LINQ to SQL tries to do a lot with SQL. Sometimes it easy doesn't add up. If you encounter such behavior: Force LINQ to work in memory.
// Process in memory to avoid SQL Access (e.g. string.Join(", ", isn't supported by Access SQL)
var tempRead = read.ToList().AsEnumerable(); //.Dump("Read in memory");
var tempWrite = write.ToList().AsEnumerable(); //.Dump("Write in memory");;
var combined = tempRead.Concat(tempWrite).AsEnumerable(); //.Dump("Combined in memory");
It's simple. Just write your query to list by "write.ToList().AsEnumerable();". After that, you can work with the query, and you are sure that LINQ to SQL doesn't translate it into SQL.
LINQ to SQL is the solution for complex queries:
- Interactive query tool LINQPad
- In your Add-In to easily handle complex queries database independent
- Database independent
- IntelliSence and AutoComplete
- Compiler verifies against EA Datbase (no typos)
- Comprehensive debug features
- AddInSimple the starting point and example solutions to work from
- Add-In
- Find Search
- LINQPad for SQL
- LINQPad for command line, call from EA
- LINQPad predicate builder
- LINQPad Tips & Tricks by Dan Clarke
- LINQ to SQL driver
- Tips&Tricks
- Toolbar
- Insides