UserFunction; asteroidAdd - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

asteroidAdd(<tPosition>, <sLayout>, <rDistribution>, <iNumResources>, <fA>, <fB>, <fC>, <fRotY>, <fRotZ>)


Adds Homeworld 1 style asteroid/pebble fields to your map. Uses nearly the same syntax as Homeworld 1.
Note: you must call the function from within the DetermChunk() function.
Warning: there's a statistical likelihood that some asteroids might overlap, resulting in resource collectors becoming stuck and not being able to move.


asteroidAdd({0, 0, 0,}, "Box", thisOne, 500, 1000, 1000, 1000, 0, 0)


<tPosition>: a table consisting of the resource patch's X, Y, and Z coordinates.
<sLayout>: can either be "Cylinder", "Sphere", or "Box".
<rDistribution>: a reference to the distribution table.
<iNumResources>: the total number of asteroids and/or pebbles.
<fA>, <fB>, <fC>: differ depending on whether you choose the "Cylinder", "Sphere", or "Box" layouts. If "Cylinder", then <fA> and <fB> are the inner and outer radii, and <fC> is the cylinder's height. If "Sphere", then <fA> and <fB> are the inner and outer radii, and <fC> is not calculated (a value must still be present, though). If "Box", then <fA> is the length, <fB> is the width, and <fC> is the height.
<fRotY>, <fRotZ>: the rotation angles around the Y and Z axes, respectively.


Just like in Homeworld 1, this function uses resource distributions. In the following block of code you must set the relative amounts of each type of asteroid or pebble within a distribution table. For, example, for every three "Pebble_0"s you have one "Asteroid_3". Or, for every two "Asteroid_2"s you have five "Pebble_1"s. You can store any number of distribution tables in your ".level" file by copying it once, and then pasting and renaming it each time.
Note: distribution tables must also be declared within the DetermChunk() function, and must be declared before any functions that refer to them.

For example:

local thisOne =
Pebble_0 = 3,
Pebble_1 = 3,
Pebble_2 = 2,
Asteroid_1 = 3,
Asteroid_2 = 2,
Asteroid_3 = 1,
Asteroid_4 = 0,
Asteroid_5 = 0,


local thatOne =
Pebble_0 = 0,
Pebble_1 = 1,
Pebble_2 = 3,
Asteroid_1 = 1,
Asteroid_2 = 0,
Asteroid_3 = 2,
Asteroid_4 = 1,
Asteroid_5 = 3,

The first distribution table is different than the second one. Specify the one you want by passing the name of the table as the <rDistribution> argument.


updated 2006-01-27

This portion must exist outside both the DetermChunk() and NonDetermChunk() functions, and must be left unchanged.

function asteroidAdd(tPosition, sLayout, rDistribution, iNumResources, fA, fB, fC, fRotY, fRotZ)
    -- function created by Mikali
    local Relative = 0
    local Amount = 0
    local Modulos = 0
    for k, iCount in rDistribution do
        Relative = Relative + iCount
    for k, iCount in rDistribution do
        if (Relative > 0) then
            Amount = floor(iCount * iNumResources / Relative)
            Modulos = Modulos + mod(iCount * iNumResources, Relative)
        for i = 1, Amount do
            local r, u, v, l, w, h, cooX, cooY, cooZ = random(fA), random(180), random(360), random(-fA, fA), random(-fB, fB), random(-fC, fC), 0, 0, 0
            if (sLayout == "Cylinder") then
                cooX = w / 2
                cooY = r * sin(v)
                cooZ = r * cos(v)
            elseif (sLayout == "Sphere") then
                cooX = r * cos(u)
                cooY = r * sin(v) * sin(u)
                cooZ = r * cos(v) * sin(u)
            elseif (sLayout == "Box") then
                cooX = l
                cooY = w
                cooZ = h
                fRotY = 0
            local yCooX = cooX * cos(fRotY) + cooZ * sin(fRotY)
            local yCooY = cooY * 1
            local yCooZ = cooX * -1 * sin(fRotY) + cooZ * cos(fRotY)
            local zCooX = yCooX * cos(fRotZ) - yCooY * sin(fRotZ)
            local zCooY = yCooX * sin(fRotZ) + yCooY * cos(fRotZ)
            local zCooZ = yCooZ * 1
            local tCoordinates = {tPosition[1] + zCooX, tPosition[2] + zCooY, tPosition[3] + zCooZ,}
            if ((k == "Asteroid_1") or (k == "Asteroid_2") or (k == "Asteroid_3") or (k == "Asteroid_4") or (k == "Asteroid_5")) then
                addAsteroid(k, tCoordinates, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            elseif ((k == "Pebble_0") or (k == "Pebble_1") or (k == "Pebble_2")) then
                addPebble(k, tCoordinates, 0, 0, 0)
    if (Modulos > 0) then
        asteroidAdd(tPosition, sLayout, rDistribution, Modulos, fA, fB, fC, fRotY, fRotZ)

Related Pages

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Updated the function.

--Mikali (2006-01-27 18:16:34)

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