Function; settagmethod - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

settagmethod(<Tag>, <Event>, <NewMethod>)


(from LUA 4 Manual: 6.1 Basic Functions)

"Sets a new tag method to the given pair (<Tag>, <Event>) and returns the old method. If <NewMethod> is nil, then settagmethod restores the default behavior for the given event. This function cannot be used to set a tag method for the 'gc' event. (Such tag methods can only be manipulated by C code.)"



<Tag>: the tag. Note: I'm not sure what type of variable this is. -Mikali
<Event>: the event. Note: I'm not sure what type of variable this is. -Mikali
<NewMethod>: the new method.

Related Functions

Function Reference

LUA 4 Manual: 6.1 Basic Functions


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