Page Index - DotNetRu/BrandBook GitHub Wiki
958 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
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- A proper way to develop a REST service
- Accounting system problems and solutions
- Adam Sitnik
- Advanced use of NuGet and MSBuild
- AI and neural networks for NET developers
- Akka Sightseeing Tour
- Alex Chernov
- Alex Chirkin
- Alex Kapustyanenko
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- Alex Merson
- Alexander A Ivanov
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- Alexander Katin
- Alexander Kugushev
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- Alexey Pankratev
- Alexey Petryashev
- AlfaBank
- Algorithm Complexity
- Algorithms and data structures for csharp
- Altenar
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- Andrey Schilling
- Andrey Sergeev
- Andrey Stepanov
- Andrey Taritsyn
- Andrey Terekhov
- Andrey Zaytsev
- Anna Rysina
- Ansible for Windows Configuration Management
- Anton Chernyaev
- Anton Eremin
- Anton Pudikov
- Anton Shabanov
- Anton Shevchenko
- Anton Sysoev
- API Versioning
- Approaches and practices in highly loaded distributed systems
- Arcadia
- Artem Akulakov
- Artem Borzilov
- Artem Gorchakov
- Artem Kvashnin
- Artem Lunev
- Artem Mikulich
- Artem Zhuravlev
- As students maked a technically challenging project
- ASP NET Authentication and Authorization
- ASP NET Boilerplate
- ASP NET Core Tools
- Aspire in Action
- AspNetCore Telemetry
- Async Await Afraid to Ask
- Asynchrony Not Just Async Await
- At the Junction of Managed and Unmanaged Worlds
- AtiSu
- Authentication Keycloak
- Autofac as IoC DI
- Automatic exception search
- Automatic Input Output Matching
- Automatic update system based on the torrent network
- Automation Expectations and Reality
- AvaloniaUI Cross platform Open Source UI Framework
- Ayrat Hudaygulov
- Background processes frameworks in ASP NET
- BarsGroup
- Basic principles of micro services
- Basics of Profiling and Optimizing
- Basis for Understanding of Quantum Algorithms
- Battle SQL vs DocumentDB
- Blazor frontend
- Blazor Frontend for Backend
- Blazor Intro
- Bootstrapping DotNet 8 Sdk
- Boundary Between Database Logic and Application Server
- Brave CoreCLR
- Build and deploy NET Framework with GitlabCI SonarQube
- Build as Code
- Building a secure architecture for IoT
- Bulletproof Interfaces
- C Sharp in the browser myth or reality
- Caching data on a content site
- Caching in DotNet 7
- Category Theory to Describe Software Architecture
- Chris Ryder
- CI CD Practices in Modern IT Culture
- Clean Architecture
- Clean Architectures
- Cloud Services What Where And What For
- CLRMD how to write your debug tool
- Code Analyzers for Application Development
- CodeReview growth art
- Coding conventions practice
- Collecting Data in Net
- Common mistakes in Net benchmarks 1
- Common mistakes in Net benchmarks 2
- Component Tests as Acceptance Tests for Microservices
- Concurrency and distributed computing with Akka
- Concurrency in DB
- ConcurrencyToolkit
- Configuration in DotNet
- Container Enhancements in DotNet 8
- Corporate Cancerology
- CQRS and Event Sourcing in Backend Systems
- CQRS ES for Online Auctions
- Creating and Reusing Modules for Prototyping
- Creating HTTP Client in Functional Way
- Croc
- Cross platform server development tools DotNet
- Cross procedural Analysis for Local Functions in Resharper
- Crossplatform OO Interaction between Csharp and Cpp
- CSharp 8 Async Streams in ReSharper 2019
- CSharp 8 Indices and Ranges
- CSharp 8 Pattern Matching
- CSharp Syntactic Sugar
- CSharp10 in Rider
- CSharp10 Interpolated String Handlers
- CSharp10 Record Structs
- CSharp9 Getting Better
- CSharp9 Records
- CSharp9 Source Generators
- Daniel Doronkin
- Daniel Sokoluk
- Data grid
- Data Science in Life Sciences
- Data structures
- DataArt
- DDD in legacy code software complexity
- DDD validation
- Debugging tools in Msvs 2015
- Deep Div into ASP Core Authorization
- Deep Dive into ASP Core Authorization
- Delegates and Events
- Denis Davydov
- Denis Kretov
- Denis Kulikov
- Denis Tsvettsikh
- Dependencies Control between Elements of Application Structure
- Dependency pipeline
- Dependency Treatment
- Deploy ASP NET Core Application to Kubernetes
- Design and development of modular applications
- Design of RESTFul API
- Design Pattern Observations
- Desktop applications optimizing methods
- DetailedTalks 2015
- DetailedTalks 2016
- DetailedTalks 2017
- DetailedTalks 2018
- DetailedTalks 2019
- DetailedTalks 2020
- DetailedTalks 2021
- DetailedTalks 2022
- DetailedTalks 2023
- DetailedTalks 2024
- DeutscheBank
- Developing Production Ready AspNetCore
- Development Using Artificial Intelligence
- Development web using Asp NET Core and React JS
- DevOps Everywhere from MSI to Docker for Windows
- DevOps to DataOps
- DI in NUnit Tests
- Diagnostics of NET Application Performance in Production
- Dictionary First Data Access
- Difference between value and reference types
- Difficult tasks in C Sharp
- Dmitri Nesteruk
- Dmitry Anikin
- Dmitry Babushkin
- Dmitry Chelovyan
- Dmitry Dorogoy
- Dmitry Egorov
- Dmitry Eliseev
- Dmitry Fedorov
- Dmitry Ivanov
- Dmitry Kazakov
- Dmitry Levchenko
- Dmitry Maltsev
- Dmitry Naumov
- Dmitry Pavlov
- Dmitry Polomoshnov
- Dmitry Semenov
- Dmitry Soshnikov
- Dmitry Tezhelnikov
- Dmitry Vereskun
- Dmitry Vlasov
- Dmitry Voznesensky
- Documentation with Markdown
- DodoPizza
- Domain Driven Design Profit of Little Blood
- Dont need MediatR
- DotaNetoLogia SPb 2017
- DotNet 7 User Jwts Tool
- DotNet and Java
- DotNet And Java Are We On The Sides Of Different Forces
- DotNet AOT 2022
- DotNet Aspire in Action
- DotNet Interactive Polyglot Notebooks
- DotNet Monitor and All
- DotNext
- DoubleGis
- Drones and DotNet
- DSL unexpurgated
- Duplicate Search Program
- Dynamic Prototyping
- EF 7 Interceptors
- EF 7 Table per Concrete Type
- EF chips and pitfalls
- EF Core Internals
- Efficient Buffer Manipulation Using Span
- Egor Bogatov
- Egor Grishechko
- EkbDotNet
- EkbDotNet 1
- ElasticSearch for NET
- Elena Shchelkunova
- Elizabeth Holenok
- Europlan
- Event Brokers as Connecting Element of Architecture
- Event sourcing in NET
- Event Storming
- Evgeniy A Peshkov
- Evgeniy Fedotov
- Evgeniy Firstov
- Evgeniy Makarov
- Evgeniy Peshkov
- Evgeniy Tymencev
- Evgeniya Ryzhikova
- Exceptions Among Exceptions
- Exceptions are not Unified
- Exceptions handling in C Sharp
- Experience and prospects of F
- Expression Trees in Enterprise Development
- F Battle
- FailoverBar
- Feature Flags in Practice
- Features of configuration and routing in NGINX
- Filipp Bocharov
- Filtered Solutions
- Filtering GPS tracks FSharp
- Find maximum bugs in minimum time for developers
- Finer points of asynchronous programming in ASP NET Core
- Five Code Analyzers for Every Day
- Flexible modularity with AOP tools
- Flying Over the Level of Abstraction
- Flyweight pattern in Unity3D
- Fody vs Routine
- From server to client
- Fs test
- Fscheck alternative way for unit tests
- FSharp and Predictable Code
- FSharp basics
- FSharp for Data Analysis
- Functional NET
- Functional programming for csharp developers
- Functional programming patterns for fsharp
- Functional tricks for OO code
- Functional Way for Solving Nullability Problem
- Fundamentals of Building SaaS Solution with ASP NET MVC
- Future of Net development
- Game Development using Unity Engine
- GameDev as a Hobby
- GazpromMt
- GC Regions
- GC Tin which We do Not Care
- GC Tips
- Generic Attributes
- Generics Optimization Which Does Not Work
- George Plotnikov
- Georgy Kruglov
- Giorgio Sardo
- Git in the name of Good
- Gleb Lesnikov
- Good Ideas in Programming Languages
- GraphQL simply clearly optimally
- GRPC and Implementation in NET Core
- GRPC for Net Developers
- Hardware code
- Help all humans why we created our own chatbot engine
- History of fp and the monads
- HoloLens for non gaming applications
- How is Blazer WebAssembly Doing
- How it works DLR
- How Shoot Yourself in Foot from Standard Library
- How to Add Your Own Optimization in JIT for CSharp
- How to Collect Quantitative Data
- How to create and automate an OpenSource project
- How to Grow Open Source in Bank
- How to Prepare for Performance
- How we created DotNetRu App
- Http Client in NET
- HttpClient Basic Errors and How to Avoid Them
- Hybrid Architecture Merging Microservices into Monolith
- Ignite in action
- Igor Chakrygin
- Igor Labutin
- Igor Lopushko
- Igor Mamay
- Igor Serkov
- Igor Yakovlev
- IIoT on the HW and NET border
- Ilya Chertorylsky
- Ilya Efimov
- Ilya Fofanov
- Ilya Shchetinin
- Ilya Shipunov
- Ilya Zimin
- Implementing CQRS ES on Dynamic Models
- In search of paradigm
- Industrial IoT in practice
- Integrate Unreliable API using Polly
- Integration Hell Guide
- Intermedia
- Introduction to Docker
- Introduction to DotNet Compiler Platform
- Introduction to SignalR
- Irina Ananieva
- Ivan Cherkasov
- Ivan Kalashnikov
- Ivan Kirichuk
- Ivan Kochurkin
- Ivan Kozhin
- Ivan Kulaga
- Ivan Migalev
- Ivan Pashchenko
- Ivan Patudin
- Jan Pospisil
- Jeffrey Richter
- JetBrains
- JetBrains Lifetimes library
- JetBrains RdFramework
- Just In Time Hooking
- Kaspersky
- Kirill Likhtarovich
- Kirill Litveev
- Kirill Lutsenko
- Kirill Maurin
- Kirill Poletaev
- Kirill Vetchinkin
- Konrad Kokosa
- Konstantin Gustov
- Konstantin Vasiliev
- Kontur
- KrdDotNet
- KrdDotNet 1
- KryDotNet
- KryDotNet 1
- KryDotNet 2
- Ksenya Tomak
- KznDotNet
- KznDotNet 1
- KznDotNet 2
- KznDotNet 3
- KznDotNet 4
- Lack of CPlusPlus in CSharp 1
- Lack of CPlusPlus in CSharp 2
- Lack of CPlusPlus in CSharp 3
- Launching NET Core Microservices in K8S
- Leader Id
- Leonid Andrievskiy
- Lifetime Template
- LikedVideos
- LikedVideosSpb
- LINQ Expressions the Art of Querying Data
- Lock Free Multithreading
- Luxoft
- LXC LXC Legacy Project to Containers
- LXC LXD Legacy Project to Containers
- Machine learning
- Magic of Dapper plus Oracle
- MailRu
- Manyfaced Machine Learning
- Mariya Constantinidi
- Mariya Schekochikhina
- Mark Schevchenko
- Mark Tkachenko
- Master Class Docker on Azur as Fully Managed Service
- Master Class Event Storming
- Matvey Grigorev
- Maxim Arshinov
- Maxim Markelov
- Maxim Shiryaev
- Maxim Shoshin
- Memory Model
- Merge Sln
- Message Based Approach in Distributed Systems
- Messaging systems using MassTransit as an example
- Metrics Steering Wheel
- Microservices on Csharp
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Mobile Development in 2018
- Microsoft Technologies Current Trends
- Migrating apps from SQL Server to PostgreSQL
- Migrating from MSSQL to PostgreSQL
- Migrating from NET Framework to NET Core
- Migration to Mono
- Mikhail Bashurov
- Mikhail Filippov
- Mikhail Galushko
- Mikhail Kopytin
- Mikhail Rukavishnikov
- Mikhail Seliverstov
- Mikhail Shcherbakov
- Minimal Web Api 7
- Modern static analyzers
- MoeDelo
- Monitoring for developers
- Monolith Few Sources 2 Developers
- Monopoly
- Most Delicious Features of Visual Studio 2019
- MskDotNet
- MskDotNet 1
- MskDotNet 10
- MskDotNet 11
- MskDotNet 12
- MskDotNet 13
- MskDotNet 14
- MskDotNet 15
- MskDotNet 16
- MskDotNet 17
- MskDotNet 18
- MskDotNet 19
- MskDotNet 2
- MskDotNet 20
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- MskDotNet 39
- MskDotNet 4
- MskDotNet 40
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- MskDotNet 42
- MskDotNet 43
- MskDotNet 44
- MskDotNet 45
- MskDotNet 46
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- MskDotNet 48
- MskDotNet 49
- MskDotNet 5
- MskDotNet 50
- MskDotNet 51
- MskDotNet 52
- MskDotNet 6
- MskDotNet 7
- MskDotNet 8
- MskDotNet 9
- MskDotNet QnA with Giorgio Sardo
- Multiplayer game server NET Core Linux
- Multitasking apps on NET
- Mutation Testin in NET
- Mythbusters Web Security
- Nancy for Little Ones
- Native AOT Opportunities and Limitations
- Near Silent Trading
- NET Platform Yesterday Today Tomorrow
- Net Web news
- NET5 Assembly Trimming
- NET6 LINQ Improvements
- NET6 System Text Json
- Nexign
- Nikita Danilov
- Nikita Kamensky
- Nikita Kozlov
- Nikita Maslov
- Nikita Moshkalov
- Nikita Tsukanov
- Nikolay Gusev
- Nikolay Gushcharin
- Nikolay Molchanov
- Nikolay Moskalenko
- Nikolay Pianikov
- Nitra modern methods of implementing languages
- NnvDotNet
- NnvDotNet 1
- NskDotNet
- NskDotNet 1
- NskDotNet 2
- Nuke Anatomy
- Nullable Reference Types Advanced Guide
- OAuth for NET
- OAuth OpenId Enterprise
- Obfuscation NET Code
- Observability NET Applications
- Octopus in the name of good
- Odin
- Oleg Blokhin
- Oleg Peresada
- Oleg Tarasov
- OmsDotNet
- OmsDotNet 1
- OmsDotNet 2
- OmsDotNet 3
- OmsDotNet 4
- OmsDotNet 5
- OmsDotNet 6
- OmsDotNet Community 2019
- OpenTelemetry for Little Ones
- Orchestration Infinite Tasks Orchestratr
- ORM You have Never Heard of
- Overview of Performance Changes in NET5
- Overview Xamarin Forms
- OWASP TOP 10 for NET
- PaaS NET Core and Mesos Marathon
- Paranoid Programming
- Pavel Agurov
- Pavel Fedotovsky
- Pavel Khrulev
- Pavel Kulbida
- Pavel Moskovoy
- Pavel Pritchin
- Pavel Tupitsin
- Pavel Voronov
- Performance Improvements of NET5 GC
- Performance Killers
- Peter Timoshevsky
- Pilot
- Plugins for Services
- PnzDotNet
- PnzDotNet 1
- PnzDotNet 2
- PostgreSQL Serializable
- PostgreSQL Under Pressure
- PowerShell in the name of good
- Practical Aspects Migrating To Microservices
- Practice of AppSec NET
- Practice of Developing Services on ViennaNET
- Practice theory and tools in NET modules
- Practice WCF
- Primary Constructors in CSharp 12
- Project Rider
- Pure DI
- Quality Of The Code
- Quick Excel Calculation
- Raffaele Rialdi
- RaiffeisenBank
- Rambler
- Razor Pages
- Reactive Build Big Project
- Reactive MVVM in NET 2018 edition
- Reactive Programming And Its Application In Frontend Development WPF
- ReactJSDotNET experience of server rendering
- Reading the News programmatically An Example
- Ref Everything
- Refactor Complex Project Live
- Reflection Emit the practice
- Renat Taziev
- Request Throttling Algorithms
- REST API Clients for CSharp
- REST of the best
- RESTFul API how and why
- Review of CSharp 6
- Review of CSharp 8
- Review of FSharp 4
- Richter QnA Session
- Rider Internals
- Rival Abdrakhmanov
- Roman Bukin
- Roman Bulygin
- Roman Gashkov
- Roman Iovlev
- Roman Liman
- Roman Nevolin
- Roman Nosov
- Roman Pavuk
- Roman Pravuk
- Roman Prosin
- Roman Shcherbakov
- Roman Zdebskiy
- Roslyn and Plugins for Compiler
- Roslyn Code Analysis
- Roslyn Code Analyzers
- Roslyn obvious
- Round Table CI CD
- Round table code analysis
- Round Table Developer Classifications
- Round Table Document it Completely
- Round Table Future NET development
- Round Table Future of NET Platform
- Round table hiring developers
- Round Table HR and IT Friends or Fight
- Round Table Microservices and DDD
- Round table Microservices And Infrastructure
- Round table multi threading
- Round Table NET Platform for Architect
- Round Table New Technologies in Existing Projects
- Round Table Practice Of Pure Architecture
- Round Table Pros and Cons Prototyping
- Round Table Security Performance Architecture
- Round table Talk about Performance
- Round Table TDD
- Round Table The Truth And Fiction Of IT Podcasts
- Round Table Web API
- Ruslan Kaminsky
- Rustam Safin
- Rustam Shekhmametyev
- SamDotNet
- SamDotNet 1
- Sandboxing in Net CLR
- SarDotNet
- SarDotNet 1
- SarDotNet 2
- SarDotNet 3
- SarDotNet 4
- SarDotNet 5
- SarDotNet 6
- SarDotNet 7
- Saritasa Tools
- Sasha Goldshtein
- SberbankTechnology
- Scaling the Disposable pattern
- Secrets and Security in DotNet Applications
- Selectel
- SEMrush
- Semyon Grigoriev
- Serafim Prozorov
- Seraphima Lebedeva
- Sergey Andrushkevich
- Sergey Baltiyskiy
- Sergey Baranov
- Sergey Buyanov
- Sergey Kuzmin
- Sergey Levkin
- Sergey Marin
- Sergey Ogorodnikov
- Sergey Sentsov
- Sergey Shchegrikovich
- Sergey Shkredov
- Sergey Tkachuk
- Serverless Under Hood Cloud Functions
- Sharing Common Assemblies
- SignalR Client Using Source Generator
- SignalR Xamarin Azure Test of Strength
- Simple Architecture
- Simple cross platform Web server
- Simulation of Complexity
- Sit on Two Chairs at Same Time Isolated Tests
- Small data starts to grow
- Smartway
- Software Development for Architecture and Design
- Source Generators 2 Incremental
- Source Generators in Action
- Span Memory and Pipelines
- SpbDotNet
- SpbDotNet 1
- SpbDotNet 10
- SpbDotNet 100
- SpbDotNet 101
- SpbDotNet 102
- SpbDotNet 103
- SpbDotNet 104
- SpbDotNet 11
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- SpbDotNet 3
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- SpbDotNet 38
- SpbDotNet 39
- SpbDotNet 4
- SpbDotNet 40
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- SpbDotNet 42
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- SpbDotNet 44
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- SpbDotNet 5
- SpbDotNet 50
- SpbDotNet 51
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- SpbDotNet 53
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- SpbDotNet 55
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- SpbDotNet 6
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- SpbDotNet 7
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- SpbDotNet 79
- SpbDotNet 8
- SpbDotNet 80
- SpbDotNet 81
- SpbDotNet 82
- SpbDotNet 83
- SpbDotNet 84
- SpbDotNet 85
- SpbDotNet 86
- SpbDotNet 87
- SpbDotNet 88
- SpbDotNet 89
- SpbDotNet 9
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- SpbDotNet 92
- SpbDotNet 93
- SpbDotNet 94
- SpbDotNet 95
- SpbDotNet 96
- SpbDotNet 97
- SpbDotNet 98
- SpbDotNet 99
- Specflow Intro
- Specification Pattern
- SpeechPro
- Sprintbox
- Sql Server Developer Tips
- SQL Server Performance 101
- SSO and OpenId in Corporate System
- Stanislav Flusov
- Stanislav Kapulkin
- Stanislav Ladokhin
- Stanislav Pavlov
- Stanislav Prodan
- Stanislav Sidristy
- Start Dump Analysis
- State of the NET Performance
- Stateless manage state of objects
- Stewart Ridgway
- Stop being afraid and make friends with MSBuild
- Story About How To Improve Code Quality Using Unit Tests
- Structured logging
- Swagger
- Switched to Configuration
- T Systems
- T4 Templates
- Talk About Blockchain
- Tatyana Yolkina
- TDD in a hard enterprise
- TDD Overview Course for Beginners and Professionals
- Team Management Developer Perspective
- Technical Debt Round Table
- Technical interview tips
- Test Last Test First TDD
- The load testing tools
- The Metrix has you
- The practice of using NET Core on Linux
- Theory and practice of NET benchmarking 1
- Theory and practice of NET benchmarking 2
- Theory and practice of parsing formal languages
- Theory of AppSec Net
- Theory of Formal Languages is Not only about Writing Parsers
- Things of the Internet of Things
- This is wonderful GraphQL
- Thousand Microservices Start With One
- ThreadPool Adapts to External Load
- Three years with F Sharp in production
- Timur Zamaleev
- Tinkoff
- Touch BitMap Indexes
- Tulegen Kobdikov
- Type Providers without Pain and Magic
- UfaDotNet
- UfaDotNet 1
- UI Automation Tests
- UnionBar
- Unit Tests Bugs Strikes Back
- Unity Enterprise Market
- Unity for Gamification and Enterprise
- Use AOT compilation right way
- Use OpenTracing NET
- Using AOP in DotNet
- Using Apache Cordova
- Using MongoDB in NET project
- Using static analyzers
- Using Tarantool in NET projects
- UUID Big History of Small Structure
- UWP life
- Vadim Martynov
- Vadim Nesterov
- Vagif Abilov
- Valentin Kononov
- Valery Ignatyev
- Valery Nikitin
- Valery Petrov
- ValueTask What and Why
- Veeam
- Versioning and Code Generation in REST API
- Victor Grekov
- Victor Ilukhin
- Victor Vasilyev
- Virtual Actors What How Why
- Visual Studio and ReSharper Chips
- Visual Studio Extensibility Key Features
- Vitaliy Ezepchuk
- Vitaliy Ilukhin
- Vitaly Levchenko
- Vladimir Kochetkov
- Vladimir Koshelev
- Vladimir Kulikov
- Vladimir Ozerov
- Vladimir Rogozhin
- Vladimir Zarubin
- Vladislav Chistyakov
- Vladislav Shakirov
- Vladislav Tsendrovsky
- VM via F
- Vostok Telemetry for Microservices on NET
- Vsevolod Ivanov
- Vulnerabilities in Deserialization
- Vyacheslav Bobik
- Vyacheslav Kotrachev
- Vyacheslav Mikhaylov
- Vyacheslav Smirnov
- Web security
- Web Single Sign On in 10 lines
- WebMarkupMin HTML minificator for the platform NET
- WebMarkupMin HTML minifier for the NET platform
- What is New in CSharp 12
- What is New in DotNet 7 and CSharp 11
- What is New in EF 8
- What is New in Minimal API on ASP 8
- What is useful in analyzing dumps for NET developers
- What NET Developer Wanted to Know About Deep Learning
- Why DDD is Correct and Why It does Not Work
- Why do We Write in FSharp in Production
- Why is Your Architecture Functional
- Why Request for EF6 so Slow
- Why We Write Hundreds of Logs and How To Search in Them
- Why your architecture is functional
- WinDbg and friends
- Windows Containers
- Working on Performance with Knowledge of GC
- WPF memory leaks
- WTF is Service Fabric
- Xamarin mobile apps
- Xamarin vs Unity rakes of mobile development for Android
- Yakov Povar
- Yakov Zhdanov
- Yandex
- Yulia Kovaleva
- Yulia Tsisyk
- Yuri Kerbickov
- Yuri Lobodanov
- Yuri Malich
- Yuri Orlov
- Yuri Soldatkin
- Yuri Volkov
- Zagir Aknazarov
- Zero Allocation Code