Raffaele Rialdi - DotNetRu/BrandBook GitHub Wiki
Raffaele Rialdi
Работает в компании Vevy Europe
Raffaele Rialdi is a senior Software Architect working as a consultant, speaker and trainer. Since 2003, he is a Microsoft MVP in the Developer Security category. His passion for the community brought him to be a member of the board of UGIdotNET, president of DotNetLiguria and co-founder of the Italian C++ user group. He is currently working as an architect and developer on the backend of an enterprise project with a specific focus on code generation and working on cross-platform mobile and IoT development in both C# and C++ languages.
- Блог: http://iamraf.net/
- Контакты: https://www.facebook.com/raffaele.rialdi
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/raffaeler
- Migrating server apps from the .NET Framework to .NET Core (21 ноября 2018 г.)
- Deep dive into the ASP.NET Core authorization framework (14 мая 2019 г.)
- Span, Memory and Pipelines, the APIs you always missed (5 ноября 2019 г.)