CAMERA - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<CAMERA/> : Widget : File

The <CAMERA/> widget is somewhat unique in that it is both a display widget and a file data source.

Other widgets like <IMAGE/> can use <CAMERA/> to display snapshot's taken from the camera.

On desktop and on web, the <CAMERA/> widget attempts to connect to the attached or embedded device's webcam. On mobile devices, the <CAMERA/> widget attempts to connect to the device's internal camera.

Image transforms such as <CROP/>, <FLIP/>, <GRAYSCALE/> and <RESIZE/> can be nested inside of the <CAMERA/> itself or inside of other connected data sources to manipulate the photo.

The <CAMERA/> widget must be in a visible area on the stack. If in fullscreen mode, it must be a direct child of the FML template at the top position of the <STACK/>

For performance reasons, evaluations and events should avoid binding to the <CAMERA/>'s value.


Name Type Default Description Req
controls bool true Show the default shutter button


Name Default Description
data References the saved picture file. Use {} or {} binding syntax to access the files properties where id is the id of the camera and property is the name of the file property.


Name Description
oninitialized A list of ; separated event's to evaluate and execute when the camera is first initialization


Name Description
start Launches the onboard or attached camera and displays the cameras video display stream.
stop Stops the camera's video display stream.
snapshot Takes a snapshot (picture) of the current video display screen and saves it to file


Example #1 : Camera With a picture-in-picture <IMAGE/> and <FORM/>
  <POST id="ds1" url="" onsuccess="alert('success','{ds1.statusmessage}')" onfail="alert('error','{ds1.statusmessage}')">
      <email>[email protected]</email>

  <VAR id="istaking" value="true"/>
  <VAR id="browser" value="={SYSTEM.useragent} != desktop"/>

  <POS left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">
      <BUSY id="b1" visible="true" size="48"/>
    <!-- Main Camera -->
  <CAMERA id="wc1" oninitialized="istaking.set(false)" onsuccess="ds1.start();" onfail="alert('We were unable to access your camera, please enter your details or try again.')" enabled="=!{ds1.busy}" width="100%" height="100%" controls="true">

    <!-- Picture in Picture -->
    <PAD all="25">
            <BOX expand="false" width="200" border="all" pad="10" radius="5" visible="=!noe({})">
        <IMAGE url="{}"/>

    <BOX center="true">
      <BUSY id="busy" visible="{ds1.busy}" width="100%" height="100%"/>


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