DataBinding - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

The GLOBAL BINDINGS are system wide bindables that are returned in any widgets scope. [SYSTEM.] [USER.] [STASH] [GLOBAL] and [CLOCK.] are used to access these bindings.

Table of Contents


To access variables defined by the software.


  • SYSTEM.binding returns the system variables.
  • CLOCK.binding returns a created clock variable, outside of the system time.
  • USER.binding returns the user record variables, which are mapped from the API's returned document.
  • TEMPLATE.attribute returns the outer TEMPLATE <FML> tags' attributes without the need to use the ID's.


  • USER. are custom mapped vars and can contain whatever the developer has specified.
  • GLOBAL. are custom mapped widgets in the global.xml file in the root and can contain whatever the developer has specified.
  • STASH. are custom mapped key value pairs set using the stash() event, and can contain whatever the developer has specified.
  • CLOCK. only ticks if it is being listened for by a binding or other widget.


Name Type Description
platform string Will return mobile, web or desktop.
version int Will return the version number.
uuid string Will return a unique uuid.
connected bool Will return true/false if connected to a network.
year int Will return the year.
month int Will return the month as an integer.
day int Will return the day.
hour int Will return the hour.
minute int Will return the minute.
second int Will return the second.
epoch int Will return the current epoch

CLOCK Types (*untested)

Name Type Description
year int Will return the number of years the clock has been ticking for.
month int Will return the number of months the clock has been ticking for.
day int Will return the number of days the clock has been ticking for.
hour int Will return the number of hours the clock has been ticking for.
minute int Will return the number of minutes the clock has been ticking for.
second int Will return the number of seconds the clock has been ticking for.


<VAR id="test" value="{SYSTEM.platform}">
(fig. a)

Will return the platform the software is running on.

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