R67 - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki
R67 / 1:M
Movement guides one or many Angular Intersection Lane Connector
Angular Intersection Lane Connector is guided by exactly one Movement
If a Movement is defined, there must be at least one path (connector) leading from the specified Entrance Lane to some Exit Lane at the Exit Conduit Interface.
A connector must at least be associated with a defined Movement to be legal. An illegal U-turn, for example, results from not following any available Angular Intersection Lane Connector.
Angular Intersection Lane Connector.(EL inside division, EL road segment, XL road segment, Exit conduit, Intersection) ->
Movement.(EL inside division, EL road segment, Exit conduit road segment, Exit conduit, Intersection)
Intersection, Exit conduit {R67c}
Angular Intersection Lane Connector.(Intersection, Exit Conduit)
= /R57/R56/Intersection Exit Lane.(Intersection, Exit Conduit)