Movement - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

A direction of travel permitted from an Entrance Lane. For driving purposes, we typically observe only those Entrance Lanes in the Ego Vehicle’s Forward Conduit. For each of these monitored Entrance Lanes, we are interested in those directions of travel legally permitted through the attached Intersection. Movements are typically indicated by traffic signs, painted lines, signals or traffic office gestures at the Entrance Conduit Interface.

We characterize a Movement as the overall path from an Entrance Lane to some Exit Conduit. A U-Turn movement, for example, may originate in the innermost Driving Lane and permit traffic to enter the Reverse Conduit of the Ego Vehicle’s current Road Segment. Or a thru Movement may originate in the two outermost Entrance Lanes leading straight across the Intersection to corresponding Exit Lanes in the Forward Conduit of the Road Segment on the opposing side of the Intersection.

A Movement is defined independently of whether or not the current traffic signal permits a traffic flow along that Movement. So while the permission to proceed may vary over time, the Movement itself is a built in aspect of the Intersection.


  1. EL inside division + EL road segment + Exit conduit road segment + Exit conduit + Intersection


(No non-referential attributes)