Angular Intersection Lane Connector - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki

When you drive into an Angular Intersection, you may have a choice of at least one and possibly multiple Lanes that you can enter in the same or possibly multiple Road Segments. You can imagine a connector as one legal invisible path that connects you to a lane where you can exit the intersection.

From the perspective of the Ego Vehicle at an Angular Intersection Entrance Lane, a finite number of legal destinations are available. In the following example, assume the Ego Vehicle is in lane RS1-8 (the lane in Road Segment 1 with Lane Division 8 on the inside).


For the most part, we are only concerned about where the Ego Vehicle can go and could stop here, only populating the connectors originating from the Ego Vehicle’s Road Segment. But, we need not stop there. Assuming the information is locally available (Lane Divisions detected or some sort of road map info available, we could consider all connectors available in the intersection as shown:



  1. EL road segment + EL inside division + XL road segment + XL inside division




Type: Boolean