Peripherals - stodev-com-br/Tasmota GitHub Wiki
You can connect peripherals (sensors, displays, switches, LED lights, ...) to available pins of the device. Read here for more.
More about general configuration of peripherals.
Some of the articles were written originally for D1 mini but the information still applies except the wiring instructions
- A4988 - Stepper Motor Controller
- ADC - Analog input over A0 pin
- ADS1x15 - A/D Converter (I2C)
- AM2301 (DHT21), AM2302 (DHT22), AM2321 - Temperature and Humidity Sensor (single wire)
AM312 - PIR Motion Sensor (single wire)
- APDS-9960 - Ambient Light, RGB Color and Proximity Sensor with Gesture Detection
- AZ 7798 - CO2 Meter Datalogger
- BH1750 - Luminosity Sensor
- BMP280 (BMP085, BMP180) - Pressure Sensor
- BME280 - Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor
- BME680 - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor
- Buzzer - Audio Signalling Device
- CC2530 - Zigbee Adapter (serial)
- CCS811 - Gas and Air Quality sensor (I2C)
- Chirp! Soil Moisture Sensor - Moisture Sensor (I2C)
DHT11 - Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- DS18x20 - Temperature sensor (1-Wire)
- DS3231 - Real-Time-Clock (I2C)
- HM16/HM17 - Bluetooth iBeacon reader (serial)
- HR-E - Water Meter Encoder interface (serial)
- HC-SR04 (HC-SR04P, JSN-SR04T) - Ultrasonic Sensor
HC-SR501 - PIR Motion Sensor
- Honeywell HIH - Temperature and Humidity sensor (I2C)
- Honeywell HPMA115xx - Particulate Matter Sensor (serial)
- HTU21 - Temperature and Humidity sensor (I2C)
- HX711 - Load Cell sensor (single wire)
- INA219 - High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor (I2C)
- IR Remote - IR transmitter and receiver
- K30, K70, S8 - CO2 sensor (I2C) -
- LM75AD - Temperature Sensor (I2C)
- MAX31855 - Thermocouple Sensor (SPI)
- MAX31865 - RTD Temperature Sensor Amplifier (SPI)
- MAX44009 - Ambient Light Sensor (I2C)
- MCP23008 / MCP23017 - I/O Expander (I2C)
MGC3130 - 3D Tracking and Gesture Controller
- MH-Z19B - CO2 Sensor
- MLX90614 - MLX IR Temperature sensor (I2C)
- MPR121 - Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller (I2C)
- MPU6050 - 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor (I2C)
- P1 Smart Meter - Energy Meter (serial)
- PAJ7620 - Gesture & Proximity Detection Sensor
- PCA9685 - 16-channel, 12-bit PWM LED controller (I2C)
- PCF8574 8-port I/O Expander (I2C)
- PMS3003-5003-7003 - Particle Concentration sensor (serial)
- PN532 - NFC/RFID controller
PZEM-0XX - Energy Monitor (serial)
- RCWL-0516 - Microwave Radar Presence detection
- RDM6300 - 125Khz RFID Module
- RX-4M50RR30SF / RX-AM8SF - RF Sensor receiver (single wire)
- SCD30 - CO2 sensor (I2C)
- SDM120 - Modbus Energy Meter (serial)
- SDM630 - Modbus Energy Meter (serial)
- SDS011 (SDS021) - Laser Dust Sensor
- SGP30 - Gas and Air Quality sensor (I2C)
- SHT1x - Temperature and Humidity sensor (I2C)
- SHT30 - Humidity & Temperature Sensor
- SI114x - UV Index, IR and Visible Light sensor (I2C)
- Si7021 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor (I2C)
- Smart Meter Interface - (serial)
- SolaX X1 - SolaX X1 inverter (serial)
- SPS30 - Particulate Matter (PM) - sensor (I2C)
- TM1638 - 8 Switch, LED and 7 Segment Unit sensor (single wire)
- TSL2561 - Luminosity Sensor (I2C)
- TSL2591 - Luminosity Sensor (I2C)
- TX20 - La Crosse Wind (Anemometer) - sensor (single wire)
- VEML6070 - UV Sensor (I2C)
- VL53L0x - Time of flight sensor (I2C)
- WS2812B - Wemos RGB LED Shield
- WS2812B/WS2813B - LED Strip
- Xadow (Grove) Mutichannel Gas Sensor - gas sensor (I2C)