Honeyball - regfunkid/reg-more-foods GitHub Wiki

Honeyballs are a starter that can be consumed for a medium amount of nutrition and a small amount of saturation. It was added in Version 1.0-alpha.

They have the lore description: "Slow to eat, but also doubles as a slimeball for recipes!"



Ingredients Recipe
1 Honey Block honeyball recipe


Consuming Honeyballs restores 6 Hunger Points (3 🍗) and 1.4 saturation.

It takes 2 seconds to eat, longer than most foods which take 1.6 seconds.

It also grants a level 2 Absorption status effect for 1 minute.

Honeyballs have the unique property of being a substitute for Slimeballs, so players can use them in recipes that require them. This is required for the Accidental Alchemy advancement.


Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
accidental alchemy icon [Accidental Alchemy](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#accidental-alchemy) Craft a Slime Block from Honeyballs [A Multipurpose Snack](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#a-multipurpose-snack) --- rmf:accidental_alchemy
the gourmand icon [The Gourmand](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#the-gourmand) Eat every consumable item added by the More Foods Datapack, and probably still be hungry somehow [Reg's More Foods](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#regs-more-foods) Consume all food and drink items added by the Reg's More Foods pack rmf:the_gourmand


Icon Name Item ID
honeyball icon Honeyball honey_ball