Advancements - regfunkid/reg-more-foods GitHub Wiki

Reg's More Foods features several Advancements for players to hunt for! This is a list of the ones currently in the pack (as of Version 1.1.0).

It will also include any Advancements that have been removed, if there are any, at the bottom of the page.


Reg's More Foods

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
reg's more foods (root) icon Reg's More Foods Adding a bit of variation to your meals N/A The root advancement of the pack. Automatically activates when Extra Dietary Options does. rmf:root

Extra Dietary Options

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
extra dietary options icon Extra Dietary Options Craft any food added by the More Foods Datapack Reg's More Foods --- rmf:crafted_food

The Gourmand

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
the gourmand icon The Gourmand Eat every consumable item added by the More Foods Datapack, and probably still be hungry somehow Reg's More Foods Consume all food and drink items added by the Reg's More Foods pack rmf:the_gourmand

Cooking For Dummies

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
cooking for dummies icon Cooking For Dummies Obtain the Gourmand's Digest Reg's More Foods Smelt a Book and Quill in a Furnace and pick up the Gourmand's Digest rmf:gourmand_digest

Lil' Sundial

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
lil' sundial icon Lil' Sundial Use a Clock to tell the time Extra Dietary Options Hold a Clock in either your mainhand or your offhand. This will display the current daytime in 12 Hour Format above the hotbar. rmf:lil_sundial

A Balanced Breakfast

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
a balanced breakfast icon A Balanced Breakfast Between 6AM-11AM, consume: a Bowl of Cereal, any bottled drink, and either a Croissant, Apple, any Fried Egg, or Banana Lil' Sundial Clocks now display the current Daytime in 12 Hour Format on them, so craft one to make this advancement much easier to complete. rmf:a_balanced_breakfast

Accidental Alchemy

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
accidental alchemy icon Accidental Alchemy Craft a Slime Block from [Honeyballs](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Honeyball) A Multipurpose Snack --- rmf:accidental_alchemy

Jumbo Juice

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
jumbo juice icon Jumbo Juice Drink Golden Apple Juice Extra Dietary Options --- rmf:jumbo_juice

JUMBO Jumbo Juice

Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
JUMBO jumbo juice icon JUMBO Jumbo Juice Drink Enchanted Golden Apple Juice Jumbo Juice --- rmf:jumbo_jumbo_juice

Locally Sourced

Placeholder text for the Locally Sourced advancement.


Version Changes
[v1.0-alpha]( - Added several advancements. None of which were documented, so...
[v1.0-beta]( - Added "Jumbo Juice"- Added "JUMBO Jumbo Juice" (Hidden Advancement)- Added "A Multipurpose Snack"- Added "Accidental Alchemy"- Removed "10,000 Calorie Meal"
[v1.2-beta]( - Added a new Advancement category for the pack, as well as a background image- Added "Edible Gold"- Added "Desperate Times"- Added a root directory meant for storing recipe advancements (unachievable in normal gameplay)- Moved the recipe advancements to morefoods:recipes/root (from minecraft:recipes/root)- Moved "The Gourmand" advancement to be under the root to make the advancement tree neater- Renamed the ate_monster_mash advancement filepath to extreme_dieting- Renamed the ate_sniffer_egg advancement filepath to caveman_breakfast- Renamed the ate_dragon_egg advancement filepath to dragon_breakfast
v1.0 - Added "Quite Appeeling"- Added "Juicy Fruit" - Added "Vegan(?) Leather"- Added "Cranking Up The Heat"- Added "Hey, That's Ours!"- Added "Syrup, But From Bees"- Added "Cooking For Dummies"- Added "A Redditor's Breakfast"- Added "No Room For Seconds"- Added "Literally Starving"- Moved the "A Caveman's Breakfast" advancement under "Cranking Up The Heat"- Moved the "A Multipurpose Snack" advancement under "Syrup, But From Bees"- Renamed the "Conk!" advancement to "A Hairy Apple?"- Changed the "Edible Gold" advancement filepath name to edible_gold (from crafted_cheese)
v1.1 - Added "Iron Belly"- Added "Drinkoholic"- Added "(Most) Colors of the Rainbow"- Added "Locally Sourced"- Added "Soy To The Rescue!"- Added "Nature's Acidic Apples"- Added "The Perfect Assembly"- Added "Lil' Sundial"- Added "A Balanced Breakfast"- Added "Watching The Show"- Added "Totally Grainular!"- Added "Cookie Enthusiast"- Changed the frame of the "(Most) Colors of the Rainbow" and "Drinkoholic" advancements to "task" (from "goal")- Edited the description of the "(Most) Colors of the Rainbow" advancement- Changed the "A Redditor's Breakfast" advancement name to "A Light Breakfast" (The filepath of redditor_breakfast has also been changed to light_breakfast)- Edited the description of the "Extreme Dieting" advancement- Moved the "Desperate Times" and "Extreme Dieting" advancements to be under "Iron Belly"- Changed the icon for the "No Room For Seconds" advancement- Updated the "Edible Gold" advancement to include finding Cheese in chests as well as crafting it- Updated the "Quite Apeeling" advancement to include finding Bananas in chests as well as from Acacia trees