Chocolate Ice Cream - regfunkid/reg-more-foods GitHub Wiki

Chocolate Ice Cream is a snack that can be consumed for a small amount of nutrition and saturation. It was added in Version 1.1.



Ingredients Recipe
1x Powder Snow Bucket, 1x Milk Bucket, 3x Wheat, 1x Cocoa Beans chocolate ice cream recipe


Eating Chocolate Ice Cream restores 4 Hunger Points (2 🍗) and 2 saturation.


Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
the gourmand icon [The Gourmand](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#the-gourmand) Eat every consumable item added by the More Foods Datapack, and probably still be hungry somehow [Reg's More Foods](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#regs-more-foods) Consume all food and drink items added by the Reg's More Foods pack rmf:the_gourmand


Icon Name Item ID
chocolate ice cream icon Chocolate Ice Cream chocolate_ice_cream


Version Changes
[v1.0-alpha]( - Added Chocolate Ice Cream
v1.1 - Renamed item from "Chocolate Ice Cream" to "Chocolate Ice Cream"- Changed the texture for Chocolate Ice Cream, as well as its food and saturation values slightly- Reworked the way Chocolate Ice Cream works as an item. Versions of it from previous updates have been depreciated and will appear as a broken texture