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title: Static Exchange Evaluation

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[_MET_DP855300.jpg) Wassily Kandinsky - Small Worlds IX [1] A Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE) examines the consequence of a series of exchanges on a single square after a given move, and calculates the likely evaluation change (material) to be lost or gained, Donald Michie coined the term swap-off value. A positive static exchange indicates a "winning" move. For example, PxQ will always be a win, since the Pawn side can choose to stop the exchange after its Pawn is recaptured, and still be ahead. Some programs optimize the SEE function to only return a losing or equal/winning flag, since they only use SEE to determine if a move is worth searching and do not need the actual value. SEE is useful in move ordering, futility pruning and especially in quiescence search in conjunction with delta pruning, as well to reduce "bad" captures and checks [2] .

Seeing a Capture

To statically evaluate a capture, that particular capture should be forced, because it might not be the lowest attacker that makes the capture, and must not allow the option of standing pat [5] .

int seeCapture(int from, int to, int side)
   value = 0;
   piece = board[from];

   make_capture(piece, to);
   value = piece_just_captured() - see(to, other(side));
   undo_capture(piece, to);
   return value;


Instead of using a quiescence search, some (early) chess programs aimed to determine the material balance of a position by a static analysis of all possible capture-move sequences. These routines are often referred to as SOMA (Swapping Off Material Analyzer) [6] based on the swap-off algorithm used in the one-ply analyzing "paper machine" SOMA by evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith, the Smith One-Move Analyzer designed in the early 60s [7] .

See also

Swap-off algorithm


Forum Posts

1990 ...

1995 ...

Re: MVV/LVA vs SEE move ordering - more test results by Brian Sheppard, rgcc, August 27, 1995

2000 ...


Re: I want to SEE by Matthias Gemuh, CCC, December 21, 2001 2002



2005 ...




2010 ...




2015 ...

2020 ...

External Links

feat.: Joo Kraus, Libor Shima, Peter Wölpl, Marco Minnemann

Test suites


  1. Wassily Kandinsky - Small Worlds IX, 1922, Metropolitan Museum of Art
  2. Reducing/Pruning Bad Captures (SEE < 0) by Edsel Apostol, CCC, August 19, 2011
  3. SEE algorithm on chessprogramming wiki by Sven Schüle, CCC, December 02, 2009
  4. Re: SEE algorithm on chessprogramming wiki by Harm Geert Muller, CCC, December 20, 2009
  5. Re: Simple question about SEE by Harm Geert Muller, CCC, January 12, 2011
  6. Hiroyuki Iida, Makoto Sakuta, Jeff Rollason (2002). Computer Shogi. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 134, Elsevier, CiteSeerX
  7. John Maynard Smith, Donald Michie (1961). Machines that play games. New Scientist, 12, 367-9. google books
  8. ↑ see Swap-off by Helmut Richter
  9. Sargon Z80 assembly listing by Dan and Kathe Spracklen, hosted by Andre Adrian, see XCHNG
  10. Looking for Alternatives to Quiescence Search by Jeff Rollason, AI Factory, December 2006
  11. EXchess v4.02 released by Daniel Homan, CCC, April 10, 2001
  12. Static Exchange Evaluation in Chess by Steve Maughan, Chess Programming Blog, July 9, 2013
  13. Russell M. Church, Kenneth W. Church (1977). Plans, Goals, and Search Strategies for the Selection of a Move in Chess. Chess Skill in Man and Machine

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