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title: Pradu Kannan

Home * People * Pradu Kannan

Pradu Kannan [1] Pradyumna (Pradu) Kannan from Chandler, Arizona, USA - author of the chess engine Buzz [2]. He is an aerospace engineer and studied aerospace engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. His hobby as a chess programmer started in 2004 and was inspired by GameDev's chess programming article by François-Dominic Laramée . He then wrote his first chess engine Witz [3] which was initially a 0x88 engine and was subsequently rewritten with bitboards. In May 2006, he started working on his current bitboard chess engine Buzz, and short after as team effort along with Andres Valverde and Fonzy Bluemers, on the engine Dirty, which is a hybrid between Buzz (Search) and EveAnn (Evaluation) [4].


Bob Hyatt and Pradu Kannan at ACCA 2008, Bob implementing Magics? [8] [9]

See also


  • Pradyumna Kannan (2007). Magic Move-Bitboard Generation in Computer Chess. pdf

Forum Posts







  1. Pradu's Home Page, Niagra Falls, Maid of the Mist
  2. Buzz - A Winboard Chess Playing Program by Pradu Kannan
  3. Witz Homepage
  4. Dirty Chess Engine
  5. Fast(er) bitboard move generator by Lasse Hansen, Winboard Forum, June 14, 2006
  6. Fastest Magic Move Bitboard Generator ready to use by Pradu Kannan, Winboard Forum, August 25, 2006
  7. ↑ Pradyumna Kannan (2007). Magic Move-Bitboard Generation in Computer Chess. pdf
  8. ↑ Bob implementing Magics? No, that already happened in 2006, Re: Fastest Magic Move Bitboard Generator ready to use by Robert Hyatt, Winboard Forum, November 09, 2006
  9. The 2008 Third Annual ACCA Americas' Computer Chess Chamionships Site Pics from UAB

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