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title: Onno Garms

Home * People * Onno Garms

Onno Garms [1] Onno Garms,

a German mathematician, computer scientist and awarded [2] researcher at Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI, working on the broad range of optimization problems such as packing problems along with computational complexity theory [3]. He holds a diplom degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in computer science both from University of Bonn in 1999 and 2006 respectively. As former youth chess player and autodidact programmer, he developed the chess engine Onno, which was commercially released in 2009 [4]. In March 2011, Onno Garms announced the end of Onno's development [5], and revealed many ideas that made Onno stronger.

Forum Posts

2007 ...

2010 ...

External Links


  1. Onno Garms - Fraunhofer SCAI
  2. Verleihung des Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Preises 2002 (German)
  3. Optimization - Fraunhofer SCAI
  4. Welcome to onnochess.com!
  5. Development of Onno ends by Onno Garms, CCC, March 13, 2011
  6. Fraunhofer-Publica List: Garms, O.

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