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Bulla seal 8th millennium BC onwards

The Halaf culture saw the earliest known appearance of stamp seals in the Near East, first made in the 4th millennium BC, and probably earlier.

Cylinder seals appeared first around 3600 bc in southern Mesopotamia and south-western Iran

𓋴 𓍑 𓏏 𓅱 𓋩||seal| signature < Siegel signal sign
𓋴 𓍑 𓄿 𓇋 𓇋 𓏏 𓋩||seal|szaiiith ⇔ Zeichen
𓋴 𓍑 𓄿 𓇋 𓇋 𓏏 𓋩||seal|certificate

Syrian stamp seals developed into iconography of elaborate rituals during the late Ubaid and early Uruk period in Susa

Stamp seals were prominent in the Halaf culture, in Anatolia and the Zagros mountains before descending into the southwest Ubaid, where they were transformed into cylinder seals

𓐍 𓏏 𓅓 𓇋 𓇋 𓏏 𓋩 𓉐||sealed chamber|guard ^^^ Court
𓐍 𓏏 𓅓 𓋩||seal| Kettenm خَتْم ḵatm 100% Ger/Arabic ختم xatm ख़त्म ⇔ cut

symbol 𓃒 emblem

𓋩 𓏤 𓃒 𓏥||cattle|cattle ← kette !! / 𒀖 ⇔ 𒀚 Heart
𓋩 𓏤 𓊌||seal|signet / sankett

𓋩 𓅓 𓀜||seal| mudrā ⇔ musar 𓏶𓅓𓏮𓂋𓈖𓆑 𓍷

𓋨 𓅱||seal-bearer|

𓂭 𓂝 𓅱 𓏏 𓋩||signet, seal|poünt = point seal
𓂭 𓂝 𓏏 𓋩||signet, seal| signet ⋍ spinget
𓂭 𓅱 𓏏 𓍶||signet, seal| spanges 𓍶

reverse : 𓏏𓂝𓂭𓋩 ⲧⲟⲡ⳼ ↔ ⲧⲱⲃ ⲧⲏⲃ to seal ⇔ Stube

SI/GUL 𒄢 gyl seal

chatul casket

𒋛𒅅𒋾 si-ik-ti sikti осикта osikta "nail" Tungusic *xosïkta <> seal Wandernde Gesellen 𒍨𒋾𒅁 zik-ti-ip zikti <> ܛܦܪܐ ṭep̄rā ظُفْر tip top