Gender - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

Gender 𓄿 𓅱 𓅮 𓅭 𓅬

See Pronouns genitive articles and kinship

Gender in Linear A/B 𐀠 𐀁 𐀴

𐙫 I 𐘇 A 𐘇 a 𐘯 NU neuter 𐀙 : das 𒁹 dash as 𒀸 aš 1. ein,one,ek «on» ⇔ plural -i -a -en ?
𐘂 PA 𐀞 pa male පුරුෂ puruṣa පිරිමි pirimi ผู้ pûu pria > vir > hero > *uros@Ural > úr > е р er արու aru ἄρσην ársēn
𐘠 TI 𐀴 ti 𓏏 ta female! 𐀺 WOman 𐘠⋍VM/AVA/EVE OVIs EVEs *dAi 𐀴 *tai tell 𐙚 𐘡 大 dà upont
𐙛 •SI 𐀯 si 𔐑𔐒 𔐏𔐐 SHE 𔓞 Ω womega 𓋹 vs 𐠣 ra 𐀪 ri •raš 𓍶 wr
𐘡 E 𐙛 •ES 𐙛 𐘠𐘂 mixed neuter ? 𐀴 ti ⋍ 𐙛 •SI 𐀯 si 𐘤•SI she? as in 𐘏 : 𐘑 : 𐚽/𐘐 she-goat sheep capre

Linear-A 𐘐 𐘑 𐚽 gender

𐙼 vs 𐚲 𐜶 vs sau 𐂊 𐂋 pork

𐁂 AU das Schwein hog swine
𐂊 SAU die Sau sod! sog gilt
𐂋 ESAU der Eber boar pig pork bull


𐀞 pa' fēil 非 𐀸 vn 𐀺 > vir "male" person
𐘂 PA male පුරුෂ puruṣa පිරිමි pirimi (IE Sinhalese) ผู้ pûu pria > vir > hero > *uros@Ural > úr > е р er արու aru ἄρσην ársēn
Micro ornament vi 𓇌 in hieratic ligatures

  • similar to 𐀞 «pa» in Linear B: 𐀡𐀰𐂓ka𓊖po𓊪 male 𒉺/π/bi/pe𓂸
  • similar to 𐘠 ⋍ v «femme» in Linear B: 𐂆𐂈𐂊 soft m/v/u/o/w/f 𐁄 DWO
neuter male female collective / comment
𐙫 𐘇 𐘇 𐘂 𐀞 𐘠 𐀴 𐘡 E 𐙛 •ES 𐙛 𐘠𐘂 𐀯 sie
𐀪 ri:man 𐂀 vir:man 𐁑𐂁 mul woman man 𐂀 vs 𐀪 human 𓂋 𓅓 𓍿 𓀀 Romans
𐁂 𐙄 hog 𐂋 boar,pig 𐂊 sow,sod swine
𐂃 horse 𐂅 asp,hippo 𐂄 mare 马
𐁒 goat 𐂉 CAPER 𐂈 she-goat capre gamma⋍ram 𓍕 𓋴 𓃜 𓃛
𐘒 goat 𐘔 bock 𐘓 she-goat capre 𐚾 𐘔𐙂 KUᵖʳ פר 𐛯 ( 𐘤 ≈ 𐙂 KU ⚠ ) 𐠄 Uʷ ewe
𐀥 qi/we⋍ovis 𐂇 ram/bock 𐂆 ewe 𐀥 qiᵖ ≈ sheep •qawe ≈ Schafe 𔒊
𐘏 QIᵖ sheep 𐘑 ram/bock 𐚽/𐘐 ewe 𐘏 QI ⋍ 𐘕 cattle 𐘏 QIᵖ ⇔ capre
𐀘 mu:Muh 𐂍 BA:bull 𐂌 cow 𐀕 me ox 𓏠 𓈖 𓃒 𓀸 ⲙⲁⲛⲓ 𔒁 𔑾 Minotaur mäh? 𐂍 beef
𐘕 MU:Rind 𐘖 amar bull 𐘕𐘘 MuhKuh 𐘋 ME 𐛊 𐛋 𓏠 𓈖 𓃒 𓀸 ⲙⲁⲛⲓ Menge 𐛋 𐛖 cattle (𐘸 KI) 𐘕𐘘 SI ≠ Stier

𐀘 mu móskhos 𐂍 ‘young bull / calf’ Arm. mozi ‘calf’

𐘏 ≈ 𒈦 MAŠ < 𒈧 máš ≈ 𐀘 mu <> 𐀕 me

𐘇 Das Beil, axe is not ox

The extremely strong taur root is missing in this table
𐘄 TO 𐀵 to Taur according to Miguel Valério ⇔ 𒋼 TE
𐘄 TO 𐀵 to top ⇔ 𓄋 𓏏 𓊪 ⲧⲁⲡ 𒋰 TAB "horn" 𓂧 𓃀 𓄏 ⲧⲁⲡ

𓄱 M in 󴬱 󴭌 gamma mammal

𐘉 amar 𐀕 me 𐘉 U Au-Vieh

Historically cattle could mean small bovines and small ruminants

𐘕 ≈ 𐘏𔖱 ra.ind 𓄚 : Rind
𐀘 ≈ 𐘏𐙫 ≈ 𐘏𐘇 Au Aᵐ ᵐA ≈ mu
𐀘 ≈ 𐘏𐙫 ≈ 𐘏𐘗 NE neuter
𐀘 ≈ 𐘏𐙫 ≈ 𐘏𐘯 NU ≈ MU 𐘕

𐂍 L'BA : beef bull see alpha Alpvieh
𐂌 L'BO : bos vache

The Linear-A series each contain one sign more, maybe a collective 𐚾 unless 𐚽 ≈ 𐘐 and 𐘋 ≈ 𐛖

The 𐀕 me 𐘋 ME (milk cow?) association is a bit strange.

𐙼 𐚲 𐜶

Collective / Kid forms might correspond to neuter

𐘕 MU 𐀘 mu muh/Mäh
𐘖 MU 𐂍 •bull

𐀥 qi ≈ 𐘏 QI ⇔ 𐘕 𐁒 similar series in Linear B/A orthography

Linear A: 𐘆 𐛈 𐛉 𐛊 𐛋 𐘋 𐘕 𐘖 𐛂 𐛖 𐘏 𐘑 𐚽 𐘐 𐘒 𐘓 𐘔 𐚾

𐠈 ju ⇔
𐠄 U ewe ovis 𐁒 𐘒 𐘓 𐘔 𐚾 羊 in oracle script !
𐠖 mi 𐘒 MI 𐘋 ME mäh 𐀘 mu 𐘕 MU muh
𐠌 ki 𐀥 qi •cow/capre/cattle ⇔ 𐘒 …
𐠏 la lamb ⋍ 𐠄 U ewe ovis 𐁒 𐘒 𐘓 𐘔 sheep-goat bock …


(How) are kids, calfs and (pregnant) mothers represented in this scheme?

Mixed orthography

The linear A form 𐘠 TI (⋍ 𐀴 ti) occurs in Linear B
𐀥 => 𐂆 ≠ 𐂇
𐁒 => 𐂈 ≠ 𐂉
𐁂 => 𐂊 ≠ 𐂋
The linear B form 𐀴 ti (⋍ 𐘠 TI) occurs in Linear A
𐘏 => 𐘐 ≠ 𐘑

The ti form can be closed delta / triangle 𐘠 : 𓏏 Δ 𐁑 𐂁 𐂄≠𐂃

𐘌 𐘍 𐘎 𐙱 zoo?
𐙱 𐚹 𐚺 𐚻 𐚼 𐘫 perro
𐁒 𐘒 𐘓 𐘔 𐚾 missing female for "ram" in Linear-A
𐘕 𐘖 𐘋 𐛊 𐛋 𐀘

cow vs bull

𐙂 KU cow vs horn 𓃒 #ka ⇔ 𐘠𐘠 TI.TI tit
𐠞 pa 𐘂 PA 𐀞 pa 𒉺 PA 𐎔 PA bull 𓃝 #bꜣ "bull" par פר ⇔ 𒁍 púʳ

𐙂 KU ≈ 𐘤 are probably equivalent in gender ligatures
𐘏 𐘑 𐚽 𐘐
𐁒 𐘒 𐘓 𐘔 𐚾
𐘕 𐘖 𐘋 𐛂 𐛖


𐛖 𐘕·𐘸 KI 𐀑 ki kid goat 𓃶 𐘍·𐚠 ⇔ 𓋹 𓈖 𓐍 𐘹 TU ?

𐙚•WO 𐚊•WU woman vs viri

𐘢 PI 𐘊 PO 𐘫 PU p- 𐀞 pa 𐀟 pe 𐀠 pi

Note the mixed form 𐚾 though!

The "human" series is absent in Linear-A
𐀪 rin:man|𐂀 vir:man|𐁑𐂁 mul woman|𐁐

and may or may not correspond to abstract 𐙕 𐝥 •RI/IA

The neuter form is a bit difficult, as it connects 𐘠 and 𐘂 / 𐙫
𐘢 PI 𐀠 pi π ⇔ bu 𓃀 𓍢 𓇩 pod
𐘡 E 𐙛 •ES 𐙛 𐘠𐘂 mixed neuter ? 𐀴 ti ⋍ 𐙛 •SI 𐀯 si 𐘤•SI she? as in 𐘏 : 𐘑 : 𐚽/𐘐 she-goat sheep capre

Maybe it encapsulated both 𐘂 PA and 𐘠 TI 𐀴 ti into one abstract 𓅮 πת •pta akin to
𓊪 𓅮 𓄿 𓆃 | fly | πτερό

Interestingly some ligature series extend to non-animals:
𐘚 I 𐀂 i yad 𐘛 "hand" ⇔ 𐘈 SE 𐀮 𐁁 using 𐘠 / 𐀺
𓂝+𓏙=𓂞 in Egyptian hieroglyps
𔐱+𔐑=𔐳 in Anatolian hieroglyps
𔐴+𔐒=𔐲 in Anatolian hieroglyps

𔐑 sir 𓇓 ⇔ 𐙛 si ??
𔐑 #king ⇔ 𔐏 𔐐 𔐑 𔐒 lord 𔖙 ⇔ 𒃲 ⇔ 𒈗 = 𒃲 + 𒇽

Gender in Luwian

𔕠 #VIR (gēr)man 戈 个
𔑘 #FEMINA #MATER woman! oval eve => 𔐱 ⇔ 𔖙 𐙡 Ω 𔖚 𔖛 •oMEGA ⇔ femme.mata
𔑘 ia 𓏏 𓆇 theia 𐀴 ti theï
𔗽 laₓ 𐘙 le 𐀩 re 𔗹 hur (feminine Gender?) 𔗽 ⇔ 𐀴 ti ?

Gender in Egyptian

Instead of ligature 𐘠 TI 𐀴 ti, 𓏏 ta is simply added to the end of a word,
either as orthographic convention or reflecting true phonetic formation in Semitic languages and beyond.

swine,sow => sod

It is possible, but unprovable, that the phonetic reading only developed under such orthographic convention.

Gender ligatures in other systems … lost?

𒁍𒄩𒇻 pu-ḫa-lu

𒂄 ŠUL •sýr 𓃟 sow
𒋚 ŠAḪUL suhlen
𒋚 •ŠAḪUⁿ swine NL
𒋚 šah sah2 ŠAḪ, ŠAḪ2 sow/swine
𒋚 SHUBUR / ŠUBUR > εber > Eber @ Schuber Schuppen

mothers vs virgins?

𐙁 MA 𔓬 #MONS mountain ⇔ munus 𒊩 𐀴 𐘠 mon.ta feminine gender
𐛣 𐙁𐙁 MA.MA
𐛢 𐙁𐘘 MA.RU *580
𐛡 𐙁𐘇 MA.A •mother

Gender in Chinese

Mostly merely orthographic
他 tā 亻rén ⇔ 人 𐀪 rin ⇔ ἄρσην
她 tā 女 nǚ ⇔ 妳 nin
地 de neutral genitive ⇔ tā 它

Gender table / map

Todo: visualize the different gender suffixes in IE and neighboring languages


The female 𐂊 Δ delta can be explicit as in δέλφαξ délphax sow ⇔ porks ferkel

𔓬 #MONS mountain ⇔ munus 𒊩 𐀴 𐘠
𐙁 mun 𒊩 𐀴 𐘠 feminine