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set binary to path

Harry Munday edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 3 revisions

What is PATH

What is PATH it just means an binary or application is available any ware on the system directly, on Linux this is common same for installed packages via package managers but for everything else this is still a manual task.

MacOS and Linux (Command Line Interface)

Note: ${HOME} is also known as ~

Get familiar with macOS and Linux Environment Variables in Terminal

Open Terminal

Create directory ${HOME}/bin by running

 mkdir -p ${HOME}/bin

Save the binary to directory ${HOME}/bin

Make the binary executable by running

 chmod 755 ${HOME}/bin/binary

macOS specific step

Open your shell config file in a text editor. If the file doesn’t exist, create it

Linux specific step

Open file ${HOME}/.bashrc in a text editor. If the file doesn’t exist, create it Add the below line to the shell config file, then save it

export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}"

Restart your Terminal

Verify the binary is on your PATH by running

command -v binary

Windows CLI (Command Line Interface)

Get familiar with Windows Environment Variables in Command Prompt

Open Command Prompt or CMD

Create folder C:\bin by running

mkdir C:\bin

Save the binary.exe to folder C:\bin

Edit the PATH for your account

setx PATH "C:\bin;%PATH%"

Restart Command Prompt

Verify the binary.exe is on your PATH by running

where.exe binary.exe

Windows GUI

Create folder C:\bin

Save the binary.exe to folder C:\bin

Depending on your Windows version

If you’re using Windows 8 or 10, press the Windows key, then search for and select System (Control Panel)

If you’re using Windows 7, right click the Computer icon on the desktop and click Properties

Click Advanced system settings

Click Environment Variables

Under System Variables, find the PATH variable, select it, and click Edit. If there is no PATH variable, click New

Add C:\bin to the start of the variable value, followed by a ;. For example, if the value was

C:\Windows\System32 change it to C:\bin;C:\Windows\System32

Click OK

Open Command Prompt

Verify the binary.exe is on your PATH by running

where.exe binary.exe
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