Ompp UI Use Model Ini or Csv Files - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki

Home > UI: Use ini-files or CSV parameter files

This topic shows functionality of the OpenM++ UI through annotated screenshots. The UI can also be explored by hovering over elements to display short descriptions.

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If user files space enabled on server (it enabled by default in local desktop UI) then user can:

  • upload, download (view) or delete file inside of user files space
  • create new or delete existing folders inside of user files space
  • upload multiple files as zip archive, which would be automatically unpacked
  • use uploaded INI file to run the model
  • use uploaded CSV and TSV parameter files to run the model

In order to upload, download and manage user files please select your model, open Downloads and Uploads page and go to Files section at the bottom:

OpenM++ UI: upload, download and manage user files

Click on upload button next to the folder name to upload file into that folder. You can upload zip archive with multiple files and it will be unpacked automatically.

OpenM++ UI: upload file into user space

OpenM++ UI: upload zip archive into user space

OpenM++ UI: uploaded zip archive unpacked automatically

In order to use model run INI file or parameters CSV / TSV files please go to Advanced Run Options section of Run the Model page:

OpenM++ UI Advanced options: ini-file and parameters directory

OpenM++ UI Advanced options: use model run ini-file

OpenM++ UI Advanced options: use input CSV and TSV parameter files

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