Ompp UI Filter by value - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki

Home > Filter model run results by value

This topic shows functionality of the OpenM++ UI through annotated screenshots. The UI can also be explored by hovering over elements to display short descriptions.

Related topics: Compare model run results and Aggregate and Compare Microdata.

In openM++ UI user can filter model data by selecting certain dimension items, for example, to see only Age Group = [20, 25] and Province = Quebec. It is also possible to select only data values matching certain conditions, for example, to see Persons only with Income between 22000 and 33000.

Below is output table Fertility rates by age group of RiskPaths model filtered by:

  • excluding from Age Interval dimension first 3 age groups, where age is below 20;
  • apply filter to see only data where Fertility > 0.5.

OpenM++ UI: filter by Fertility value

After user click on Apply button result is:

OpenM++ UI: Fertility filtered by value

Filter conditions joined by AND and can be:

=       - equal to:             Age = 20
!=      - not equal to:         Age <> 20
>       - greater than:         Age > 20
>=      - greater or equal:     Age >= 20
<       - less than:            Age < 20
<=      - less or equal:        Age <= 20
IN      - in the list of:       Age IN 20, 30, 40, 50
BETWEEN - between min and max:  Age BETWEEN 30, 50

Numeric values has to be in "C" standard format and if you need to enter multiple values then it must be comma separated. For example: 12.5, 2345.67, but not: 12,5; 234 5,67.

OpenM++ UI: filter by multiple conditions

It is also possible to fiter microdata by attribute values. For example below is Microdata compariosn:

  • compare two model runs: Default and New Tax Policy
  • view only Person microdata where Age Group is age 40+
  • calculate average percent of Income change: AVG( 100 * ( Income[Variant] - Income[Base] ) / Income[Base] )
  • view only data where:
    • average income increase > 130%
    • and
    • person age is one of: 44, 45, 46

OpenM++ UI: compare and filter microdata by values

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