clip planes - nci/drishti GitHub Wiki

Primary role of clip planes is for clipping volumes against a plane. Clipping by individual clip planes can be turned off via the bricks editor. Users can also use these for displaying captions in 3D or paste images and animated-gifs. Pasting image onto clip plane may help users when registering data from different modalities. Pasted images may also be used for conveying more information about the data. For example, users will be able to include photographs of real object into animations. Clip planes can be animated via keyframe editor.

Properties and commands for a clipping plane can be specified in the dialog which pops up when space bar is pressed while hovering over the clip plane.

Keyboard and Mouse Bindings for Clip plane.

Mouse grab for crop/dissect/blend/displace/networks/paths/clipplanes is switched off when project is first loaded and when playing keyframes. Toggle mouse grab with "g" or toggle via Toggle menu.

Add a clip plane by pressing "c". Clip plane is always added in the center of the volume.

Clip plane can also be added when 3 points are specified. Press spacebar to bring up command dialog and enter "clip" to add a clip plane passing through those 3 points. The points will be removed when the clip plane is added.

When the mouse is on either of the red/green/blue axis, left mouse drag can be used for rotation and right for translation When mouse is on one of red/green axis, then ctrl+right mouse drag can be used for scaling the clip plane in the respective direction.

Users can issue single key commands while hovering over a clip plane.

Clip planes can also be manipulates using keyboard shortcuts.

Clip planes can be textured with transfer functions using "tfset" option. This facility allows for viewing of slices along any orientation.

Users can undo/redo changes made to the clip planes.

Viewport functionality adds a camera at clipplane position. Viewing direction is along the clip normal. Near and far cutting planes is controlled by the thickness parameter. Users can press spacebar while in viewport window to bring up the clip plane dialog.