Commands via Clip plane dialog - nci/drishti GitHub Wiki

Clip planes

Users can enter commands specific to clip plane via the clip plane dialog. To invoke clip plane dialog, hover over a clip pland and press spacebar. The commands given will the applicable to that particular clip plane for which the dialog was invoked.


Rotate by a degrees about the axis defined by vector x,y,z from its current orientation. The vector x,y,z is internally normalized.

Example :
addrotation 0.1 1.0 0.5 40


addrotationy a

addrotationz a

Rotate by a degrees about (X|Y|Z)-axis from its current orientation.

Example :
addrotationx 30


caption [no]

Used for displaying text captions on the clip plane. Captions dialog will pop-up where users can enter text and select color for the caption. The text or colour can be changed for different keyframes.

Opacity parameter of the clip plane will affect the opacity of the captions.

Users can show either images or captions on a clipplane, but not both at the same time.

Toggling visibility has no effect on captions. Captions will always be displayed.

"caption no" will remove caption (if any) pasted on the clip plane.


grid no

grid [nx] [ny]

Draw grid on the clip plane. Default value of nx and ny is 10 - i.e. draw a 10x10 grid on the clip plane.

"grid no" will remove display of grid from the clip plane.



image [no]

Load image to be pasted on the clip plane. A file dialog will pop-up for image file name. Animated-gifs can be loaded and animated via keyframe editor by changing imageframe number. Users can change images on the clip plane at keyframes.

Users can show either images or captions on a clipplane, but not both at the same time.

Toggling visibility has not effect on images. Images will always be displayed.

"image no" will remove image (if any) pasted on the clip plane.


Specify imageframe number n for animated-gifs. First image frame number is 0. Specify different frame numbers at different keyframes using keyframe editor for animations.


mop clip

Apply clipping operations to the mask buffer. This will set the clipped voxels in the mask to 0. The clip plane can now be removed.

The clipped voxels are restored with next mask buffer update.


Move from the current position by x,y,z units.

Example : move 50 20 20


movea val

moveb val

movec val

Move along (orange|green|blue) axis.


movex m

movey m

movez m

Move from the current position by m units in (X|Y|Z) direction.

Example : movex 50



reslice [subsample] [tag]

When thickness is 0, this option gives cross sectional area of visible region in viewport. Users can also save the cross sectional image used for calculating the area.

Save resliced volume as defined by the clip plane. The selected subvolume is resliced along the normal direction. The extent and thickness parameter of the clip plane defines the extend of the volume saved. The viewport needs to be active in order to save the volume using this option. The transfer function set used for viewport governs the voxels saved. Users can save value or opacity using this option.

The amount of subsampling is governed by the parameter subsample. Default value is 1 - i.e. take every voxel.

The tag parameter controls the tagged voxels that are saved. Default value is -1 - i.e. save all voxels whether they are tagged or not.

When thickness parameter is 0, cross sectional area will be calculated for the region visible in viewport. For cross sectional area, only opacity is considered, not value - all non-zero opacity voxel lying in the clip plane will be added up to give cross sectional area.

Users can save the cross sectional image that was used to calculate the cross sectional area.

Example :
reslice 2 : save with factor of 2 reduction, save all voxels.
reslice 2 0 : save with factor of 2 reduction, save only voxels that are tagged 0.
reslice 2 1 : save with factor of 2 reduction, save only voxels that are tagged 1.


Rotate about the axis defined by vector x,y,z by a degrees. The vector x,y,z is internally normalized.

Example : rotate 0.1 1.0 0.5 40



rotatescreenx a

rotatescreeny a

rotatescreenz a

Rotate about (horizontal|vertical|perpendicular) to screen axis by a degrees from its current orientation.

Example :
rotatescreenx 30


rotatey a

rotatez a

Rotate about (X|Y|Z)-axis by a degrees.

Example : rotatex 30


savesliceimage step

Save grayscale image for the cutface defined by the clip plane. The dimensions for the clipplane are given by the scale parameter. step parameter can be used to reduce the dimensions of the slice image, while still covering the same area.

Example : savesliceimage 2 : save a quarter sized image.


scale s

scale sx sy

Apply scaling parameter s or individually sx and sy to the clip plane. This specifies absolute size for the clip plane.

Example :
scale 200 250

This proves useful when saving slice image or pasting image on a clip plane for registration purposes.

Only one of scale or vscale is active at a time.


Translate to the x,y,z position.

Example :
translate 200 250 200


translatex a

translatey y

translatez z

Translate to the (x,0,0) or ((0,y,0) or (0,0,z) position.

Example : translatex 200


vscale sx sy

Apply scaling parameter s or individually sx and sy to the clip plane.

Normally clipplanes are shown such that they do not appear too large or too small. The clipplane size changes relative to the volumetric data size.

Only one of scale or vscale is active at a time.
