Propery Editor for Clip plane - nci/drishti GitHub Wiki

Clip plane

* [apply clipping](#applyclipping) * [solid color](#solidcolor) * [show slice](#showslice) * [show thickness](#showthicness) * [show other slice](#showotherslice) * [color](#color) * [opacity](#opacity) * [viewport](#viewport) * [tfset](#tfset) * [thickness](#thickness) * [viewport scale](#viewportscale) * [camera type](#cameratype) * [stereo](#stereo)

Additional commands for clip plane

### apply clipping Apply clipping. Switch off to disable clipping effects of the plane.


### solid color Clip planes is usually displayed as an outline. Fill the clip plane shape with solid color with this option.


### show slice Texture the clip plane with transfer functions from the [tfset](#tfset). Use this option to show textured slices of the data. If _tfset_ parameter is -1 this option is disabled.


### show thickness Useful when [viewport](#viewport) is active. Show the slab thickness in the main display.


### show other slice Useful when [viewport](#viewport) is active. Show other clip planes, if any, that intersect viewport for this clip plane.


### color Change the color of the clip plane. User will be shown color selection dialog.


### opacity Change opacity of the clip plane.


### viewport Viewport places a camera at clip plane position. The view direction of the camera is along the clip normal. When the transfer function is set for clip plane using "tfset" parameter, the viewport will be visible. Viewport is specified by four parameters - x,y,wd and ht. x,y specify the lower left corner of the viewport; wd and ht specify the width and height of viewport. The x,y,wd and ht all are normalized values and should be between 0.0 and 1.0. This is done so that viewport scales with the size of rendering window.
When only 3 values are provided height is set to equal width.
When only 2 values are provided width and height are set to 0.5.
When less than 2 values are supplied the viewport is disabled.

Viewport is active only when clip planes are textured (i.e. tfset parameter is between 0 and max TFsets). Viewport renders view from the camera placed at the clip plane position - based on thickness parameter you either get a single slice or a volume rendered slab.

Viewport is switched off by removing all the viewport parameters, or, by pressing DEL in the viewport.

The viewport is aligned with the red-green axes of the clip plane. Rotating these axes rotates the image in the viewport.
Users can interact with a clipplane from its viewport. Left mouse click and keypress commands can be issued to clipplane via its viewport. Following is the mouse and keystrokes that are recognized from viewport :

Mouse Bindings
Left Mouse click add point.
Left Mouse drag rotate about red/green axis.
Ctrl/Command + Left Mouse drag rotate about blue axis.
Middle Mouse drag scale image in viewport.
Right Mouse drag translate along red/green axis.
Ctrl/Command + Right Mouse drag translate along blue axis.
Mouse wheel move plane up/down along the plane normal.
Ctrl/Command + Mouse wheel move plane up/down in a large step along the plane normal.
Shift + Mouse wheel increase/decrease thickness of slab in viewport.

Keyboard Bindings
Space Opens clipplane dialog.
DEL delete viewport - set viewport parameters to (-1,-1,-1)
Up/Down move plane up/down along the plane normal
Shift + Up/Down move plane up/down in a large step along the plane normal.
Left/Right rotate plane 1 degree about the normal.
Shift + Left/Right rotate plane 10 degrees about the normal.
x/Ctrl+x rotate plane 1 degree about the Red(X) axis.
Shift + x/Ctrl+x rotate plane 10 degrees about the Red(X) axis.
y/Ctrl+y rotate plane 1 degree about the Green(Y) axis.
Shift + y/Ctrl+y rotate plane 10 degrees about the Green(Y) axis.

Example :
viewport 0 0 0.5 : show the textured plane in the lower left corner at half the width and height of the rendering window.

viewport 0 0.5 0.5 : viewport is set in the upper left corner at half width and height of the rendering window.


### tfset Texture the clip plane with the transfer functions from the specified transfer function set. Value of -1 will switch off the texturing on the clip plane.


### thickness Specify the slab thickness when displaying volume rendered image in the viewport.


### viewport scale Show the scaling of image in viewport.


### camera type Perspective or Orthographic camera option.


### stereo Stereo separation for the image in viewport. This separation is usually small and different from the stereo separation for image in the main window. Viewport camera is usually very close to the object, so you would want to have a smaller stereo separation in order to avoid eye strain for image in the viewport.


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