GunnsFluidSeparatorLiquid - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

This extends GunnsFluidPotential with the liquid network side for a gas-liquid separator. This link works in conjunction with either a GunnsFluidCondensingHxSeparator or a GunnsFluidSeparatorLiquid link in the same or an external network. This link represents creates a pressure source of liquid in the network. The liquid pressure and temperature values come from the gas-side link. The flow rates resulting from the network solution is sent back to the gas-side link as the pumped liquid demand.
This link supports the GUNNS_WATER and GUNNS_AMMONIA liquid types; however the gas-side links only work with water vapor.
This link is for liquids only so does not model isentropic expansion. This link does not model heat transfer with pipe walls and it does not modify the fluid mixture.
See GunnsFluidCondensingHxSeparator and GunnsFluidSeparatorLiquid for diagrams showing how this link interfaces with those gas-side links.Port Connection Rules (These are limitations on the port connection to nodes that the link enforces in run-time):
- Port 0 must connect to the network Ground node. This port is optional. If not drawn, GunnsDraw will automatically connect it to the Ground node.
- Port 1 must connect to a non-Ground liquid node.
Other Rules (These are extra rules you should always try to follow):
- Only liquid types GUNNS_WATER and GUNNS_AMMONIA are supported, so one of these should be a fluid constituent in the network.
- As with normal conductors, try to combine conductors and this link in series into a single GunnsFluidSeparatorLiquid whenever possible to reduce network node count.
Configuration Data Parameters:
- maxConductivity: Same as GunnsFluidConductor.
- expansionScaleFactor: This term is not used by this link so can be left zero.
- liquidType (default = FluidProperties::NO_FLUID, must = FluidProperties::WATER or FluidProperties::AMMONIA): This is the liquid constituent to be pumped into the liquid network, and should correspond to the vapor type being separated from the gas-side network.
Input Data Parameters:
- malfBlockageFlag: Same as GunnsFluidConductor. This malfunction blocks the liquid flow path through the link. It can be used to reduce the pumped liquid transfer rate from the gas separator side to the liquid side.
- malfBlockageValue: Same as GunnsFluidConductor.
- sourcePressure: Same as GunnsFluidPotential. This is the initial pumped pressure from the gas side, and is normally overwritten by values from the gas side link in run-time.
- transferTemperature (default = 0 K, must b >= 0): This is the initial temperature of the liquid being transferred from the gas side, and is normally overwritten by values from the gas side link in run-time.
- N/A
- N/A