GunnShow_Wiki_Start - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

GunnShow Wiki (OBSOLETE)

Note that GunnShow is no longer maintained or released. It has been replaced by GunnsDraw. We’re keeping this Wiki section for legacy GunnShow users to help migrate to GunnsDraw. Also note that we haven’t updated most of this GunnShow wiki, so it will contain information that is no longer accurate.

This wiki will contain supplemental information that isn’t covered in the user’s guide.

User’s Guide

GunnShow has a User’s Guide that is included with the GUNNS software. See your GUNNS install at gunns/gunnshow/docs/users_guide.html, or see this public guide here:

GunnShow User’s Guide (JSC only) – This is a public hosting of the user’s guide from the latest GUNNS release.

  • Note this is only visible inside the JSC firewall.
  • Note that in this public hosting of the user’s guide, GUNNS source code listings normally available within the Doxygen content are hidden. To see these listings, reference the built user’s guide in your own install.
  • Note that this public hosting may reflect the latest development for the upcoming release, and will not necessarily match the content of your repository if you have an older release version.

User’s Guide (Supplemental)

! Pitfalls_and_Workarounds
Visio Versions
Installing GunnShow
! First-time User Setup
Build the GunnShow User's Guide
Visio Access for Internal ER Users
Link help pages
Special shape data syntax & tricks
Add a spotter object to your network
Debug network export problems
Cleaning out the Document Stencil
Fluid network intricacies
Crop exported .pdf images

Developer’s Guide (Supplemental)

First-time Visual Studio Setup
Create new link shapes
Modify network manager templates
Install new build on rd1
Add to or modify the fluid, chemical compound & reaction types
Visio 2016 & Visual Studio 2017 Notes
More Visual Studio Notes

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