Follow the “Creating an Installation of GunnShow” guide in the GunnShow User’s Guide. This will result in a x64 build at: gunns/gunnshow/GunnShow/GunnShowSetup/GunnShowSetup.msi.
Update version number: In the MS Visio project, you need to update the GunnShow version number in 3 places:
In the Solution Explorer > GunnShowLibrary > DataModel > NetworkData > BaseNetworkData.cs file, update the class property versionNumber. This is what appears in the comments of exported network manager classes, which is useful to the users to know what version of GunnShow generated their manager code.
In the Solution Explorer, select the GunnShowSetup project and then click on the Properties tab of the Solution Explorer. This shows the Deployment Project Properties of the GunnShowSetup installer. Update the version number in the Title and Version properties.
All 3 locations to update the version number are shown in this screen capture:
On rd1:
Move your new gunns/gunnshow/GunnShow/GunnShowSetup/GunnShowSetup.msi build from your development environment a location on rd1 that the admins can see (such as your My Documents folder, etc)
Append the bit configuration (64) and the build version to its filename, i.e. GunnShowSetup64_17.0.2.msi.
Move any previous build .msi files to a nearby backups folder, in case you need to revert the install to a previous version.
Notify the rd1 System Administrators (currently Michael Woodruff and Spencer Riner) to install the new version, and tell them where it is.
Also give them a friendly reminder that you have to uninstall the previous version before you intall the new version or the new one won’t take.
They will install the new build into the MS Visio application on rd1. At that point, users should get the new version when they use Visio.