Fluid_Aspect_Course_2_3_2 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Fluid Aspect Course 2.3.2: Phase Change

  • Real-world liquids will boil when the saturation curve is reached by whatever thermo process.
    • Likewise, real-world gasses will condense when the sat curve is reached.
    • Similar changes between solid-liquid (melt/freeze) and solid-gas (sublimate/frost).
  • However, the GUNNS liquid & gas fluid types won’t automatically phase change:
    • You can get liquid in a node that is sitting in the gas region of the phase diagram but still liquid & vice-versa.
    • This is unrealistic so it’s up to you to avoid/accept/work around based on your needs.
  • Phase in a node is fixed — once it’s initialized with gas, it can’t change to liquid, etc.
    • Gas & liquids must occupy separate nodes dedicated to their phase.
  • Certain specialized links can do the phase change on flows between gas & liquid nodes:
  • This limits the types of phase change processes we can model.
    • Someday we’ll have “hi-fi” fluid properties & node/links that can do all phase changes automatically.

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