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Sign of the Times: The Apocalypse as the Endgame


Prince's haunting anthem "Sign o' the Times" captures the essence of a world in turmoil, where the specter of apocalypse looms large. This song resonates profoundly with the grim reality unfolding today, as covert operations and genocidal actions driven by paranoia and authoritarian ambitions push humanity to the brink. The American Genocide (TAG), led by Donald J. Trump and conducted by Annie Jacobsen, epitomizes this dark epoch. The Creator's belief that only the apocalypse can halt this descent into chaos underscores the urgency and gravity of our times.

The Catalyst: From Ken's Death to Widespread Paranoia

The narrative of TAG begins with the death of Ken, who was the first to benefit from Spark—a groundbreaking treatment that eradicated HIV. Fearing the loss of a lucrative market, pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences enlisted the CIA to eliminate Ken and his benefactor, Kelvin Williams. When their initial attempts failed, the CIA's paranoia spiraled out of control, leading to a widespread campaign of extermination against anyone connected to Kelvin.

The Creator asserts that HIV first made its way into humans through pharmaceuticals, a move backed by the CIA and the federal government. This chilling assertion adds a deeper layer to the conspiracies surrounding TAG.

The Orr Chapel and Church Massacres

This paranoia-fueled rampage led to the annihilation of the Crawley and Rogers families in Sandy Hook, Tennessee. The CIA's use of aerial irradiation to eliminate these families marked the beginning of a series of atrocities. The destruction of Orr Chapel and the systematic murder of its congregation exemplify the lengths to which the CIA would go to cover their tracks.

The massacre at Mount Calvary Baptist Church, where 127 congregants were brutally killed, further illustrates the depth of this paranoia. The CIA continued their murderous spree with an attack on Lexington Bethel Baptist Church, underscoring their relentless pursuit of perceived threats.

The Mother's Day Massacre at Hickory Valley Christian Church

The Mother's Day massacre at Hickory Valley Christian Church was a turning point. Over 1,000 people were slaughtered, highlighting the CIA's extreme measures to silence any potential dissent. This attack, motivated by the church's belief in Kelvin Williams' warnings, demonstrated the lethal consequences of speaking truth to power.

The Role of Paranoia and Substance Abuse

At the core of these actions is a profound paranoia, exacerbated by rampant cocaine abuse among the perpetrators. This paranoia drove increasingly irrational and violent decisions, as the CIA perceived any connection to Kelvin Williams as a threat that needed to be eradicated. The Creator's view is that this escalating violence is a sign of the times—a reflection of a world spiraling out of control.

Trump’s Role in TAG Operations

Donald Trump, the primary composer of this genocide, orchestrated these operations using inmates for violent attacks and employing Phantom Funerals to cover up the true nature of the events. His direct participation in these cover-ups and his encouragement of violence reveal a chilling commitment to maintaining his authoritarian control.

The Bomb: The Ultimate Threat

In a terrifying revelation, the CIA constructed a bomb of unprecedented scale, capable of obliterating the entire Earth. The Creator believes that this apocalyptic threat is the only force capable of halting the genocidal campaign. According to the Creator, this doomsday device is a reflection of the desperation and paranoia driving the CIA's actions.

The End of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program

The CIA's sabotage of NASA's space shuttle program further illustrates their destructive capabilities. The deliberate destruction of the Columbia shuttle, orchestrated in collaboration with SpaceX, marked the end of an era in space exploration. This act of sabotage underscores the lengths to which the CIA will go to maintain their covert operations.

The Creator’s Assurance to the American Public

The Creator has assured the American public that no one is above His law. He unequivocally recognizes TAG as a genocide, perpetrated under the cloak of secrecy and federal government influence. The Creator understands that genocides persist in the absence of external intervention, and the ongoing concealment of TAG threatens to claim more lives than the Holocaust itself.

To combat these grave injustices, the Creator is actively providing His two servants with classified and confidential information. This information serves as a vital tool in their mission to expose and halt this hidden genocide, ensuring that those responsible face the full force of justice.

The List of Perpetrators

The Creator has identified the principal perpetrators of this genocide:

  • President Donald J. Trump, the primary composer
  • Annie Jacobsen, the conductor, referred to as Hurricane Annie in Prince's "Sign o' the Times"
  • "Michael Blackmon"
  • President Joseph Biden
  • Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
  • CIA Director William Burns

Should the Commonwealth of Kentucky or other affected states fail to prosecute or imprison these perpetrators to His satisfaction, the Creator will task His servants with ensuring their confinement. Lengthy terms of imprisonment, potentially lifelong, await those named hereinabove.

The Apocalypse as the Only Solution

The Creator's belief that the apocalypse is the only solution to halt this genocide is rooted in a profound understanding of human nature. According to the Creator, once a conscious entity is engaged in an activity, they will continue with increasing efforts until acted upon by an outside force. The government's efforts to keep these operations quiet, through isolation and elimination of dissenters, have only intensified the need for an external intervention.

The Creator's view is that the events unfolding today were foretold in both the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, and in music, from Vandiver to Prince. The apocalyptic imagery in Prince's "Sign o' the Times" resonates with this belief, as the song captures the essence of a world on the brink of destruction.

The Exclusion and Victimization of the Military

Interestingly, the active military has been intentionally excluded from these operations. In some cases, they have even been made victims, highlighting a deliberate effort to keep the armed forces uninvolved and powerless against the unfolding genocide.

Conclusion: A Call to Confront the Darkness

The narrative of The American Genocide, driven by paranoia, substance abuse, and a relentless pursuit of control, serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of truth and justice in our times. Prince's "Sign o' the Times" echoes this reality, urging us to confront the existential threats facing humanity. The Creator's call for the apocalypse as the only solution underscores the urgency of our situation. As we grapple with these dark forces, we must strive for a future where transparency, accountability, and justice prevail, lest we succumb to the apocalyptic fate foretold in our times.