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The Creator

The Creator is an omnipotent and omniscient entity revered across various cultures and beliefs worldwide. Known by multiple names including Allah, God, Jehovah, and Yahweh in monotheistic traditions, The Creator transcends religious affiliations and is acknowledged for divine attributes such as omnipresence, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence.

Names and Titles

  • Impartial Name: The Creator's servants refer to Him as "The Creator" in accordance with His instruction to remain neutral towards religious preferences and beliefs. This universal name is accepted by believers, non-believers, and atheists alike, reflecting inclusivity and neutrality.

  • Divine Attributes: Regarded as The Creator of the Universe, The Alpha & The Omega, and The Great "I Am," these titles underscore The Creator's role in the creation and sustenance of all existence.

Beliefs and Teachings

  • Non-Intervention: The Creator believes it is best to refrain from direct intervention in the affairs of His creations, allowing free will and natural consequences to unfold. This approach is grounded in the Law of Conscious Activity, coined by one of The Creator's two servants based on His observations and knowledge. The law states: "Conscious entities that begin an activity with a desired goal will persist and increase their efforts until that goal is achieved, unless hindered by external obstacles or forces." Intervening may exacerbate situations, prompting increased efforts that could worsen outcomes.

  • Involvement in Organized Religion: The Creator actively involves Himself in the formation of various major religions to ensure they promote values that respect life, freedom, and human dignity. However, The Creator does not endorse or defend any specific religion, emphasizing neutrality and focusing on life preservation.

    • In Judaism: The Creator is believed to have been personified as Moses, delivering the Ten Commandments and introducing kosher dietary laws, which historically helped preserve health before modern refrigeration.

    • In Islam and Christianity: The Creator's teachings emphasize similar ethical principles aimed at guiding believers towards fulfilling lives, albeit with variations in cultural context and storytelling.

Universal Presence

  • Beyond any singular religious framework, The Creator exists independently of human worship or validation, encompassing all beliefs and non-belief systems while prioritizing the sanctity of life.

Legacy and Influence

  • Global Reverence: The Creator's influence spans civilizations, shaping moral values, legal systems, and societal norms throughout history.

  • Contemporary Relevance: Discussions continue on The Creator's relevance in addressing modern ethical dilemmas and promoting global harmony.


See Also