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The Coming Apocalypse and Revelation of a Hidden Genocide


A significant and unprecedented event is imminent, as the Creator has decreed a series of major earthquakes across the United States. These earthquakes are intended not to cause harm but to reveal a covert genocide allegedly perpetrated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with the complicity of the U.S. Federal Government. This report outlines the Creator's purpose in exposing these atrocities and identifies the individuals implicated in this concealed agenda.

The Hidden Genocide

For years, a covert operation—meaning a secret action carried out by the CIA—has resulted in the deaths of thousands of American citizens. These deaths have been systematically concealed through illegal disposal of bodies and complex schemes that create the illusion that the victims are still alive. Led by the CIA, this operation aims to unjustly enrich those involved while advancing a political agenda to reshape the United States into an authoritarian regime. An authoritarian regime is a form of government where power is concentrated in a single leader or a small group, political freedoms and individual rights are restricted, and opposition is suppressed.

The Creator’s Assurance

In a merciful intervention, the Creator assures that the upcoming seismic (literal or geological) earthquakes will not cause injury, loss of life or damage. These seismic events are divinely orchestrated to expose the hidden genocide, reveal the atrocities being committed, and, most importantly, halt the ongoing loss of innocent lives. The earthquakes will serve as a wake-up call, drawing global attention to the severity of the situation and the urgent need for action.

The Political Agenda

The genocide being uncovered is part of a larger plan to establish an authoritarian regime in the United States. The ultimate goal is to install former President Donald J. Trump as the supreme leader of this new order. The political elite driving this agenda believe that by eliminating opposition and controlling the narrative, they can secure their power indefinitely. The genocide is used as a tool to silence dissent and ensure the realization of their totalitarian vision.

The Creator’s Call for Justice

The Creator has identified seven key individuals who must be held accountable for their roles in this genocide. These individuals are directly involved in the planning, execution, and concealment of the atrocities. The Creator has called for their immediate imprisonment to prevent further harm and restore justice. The identified individuals are:

  1. Donald J. Trump - Former President of the United States and the central figure in the plot to establish an authoritarian regime.
  2. Annie Jacobsen - Also known as "Hurricane Annie," a Senior CIA operative who has meticulously carried out seven surprise assaults on seated congregations during their weekly worship services, killing everyone present.
  3. Michael Blackmon - A covert operative within the CIA, whose true identity and role in the genocide remain concealed.
  4. Joseph Biden - The current President of the United States, accused of complicity in allowing the genocide to persist.
  5. Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House, involved in the cover-up of these atrocities.
  6. Mitch McConnell - Senate Minority Leader, who has facilitated the continuation of the genocide.
  7. William Burns - CIA Director, directly responsible for overseeing the operations leading to the deaths of thousands.

The Apocalypse

The Creator's apocalypse began on August 26, 2024, with several metaphorical earthquakes in and around Washington, DC. Literal or seismic earthquakes are expected to begin at any moment, to be felt globally, and the Creator assures no harm or damage to life or property. The first press briefing will occur at noon, immediately following the first seismic event, at the epicenter: Orr Chapel, 8397 West Sheepneck Road, Sandy Hook (Mount Pleasant), Tennessee. Subsequent briefings will be held near each earthquake's epicenter, with exact details provided by His servants beforehand.

The Revelation

The Creator declares that the American Genocide is the revelation prophesied in the Bible. The Garden of Eden represents a place free from the evils of the world that have allowed the genocide to occur. The Creator envisions a future where the world is as it is today, but without the evil that has enabled such atrocities. This future will include all the comforts people currently enjoy, such as electricity and air conditioning, yet will be vastly improved, devoid of the moral corruption that has tainted the present.


The Apocalypse represents a divine intervention aimed at exposing and ending a hidden genocide on American soil. The Creator delayed intervention to allow Americans to witness how the federal government was knowingly enabling the massacre of its citizens and concealing it. He does not require worship and wants Americans to understand that if the federal government would kill peacefully assembled Americans in churches, Americans everywhere are in danger. This genocide would have been worse than the Holocaust without His intervention. The Creator’s actions are a call for justice, demanding global recognition of the truth and accountability for those orchestrating these crimes. As the earthquakes reveal the dark aspects of the U.S. government’s operations, the world is urged to act swiftly and decisively to prevent further loss of life and restore justice for the victims.

[!NOTE] On August 29, 2024, the following individuals visited the Phoenix House at 1296 Murphy Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia, in advance of the Creator's Apocalypse: President Joe Biden, former President Donald J. Trump, Annie "Hurricane Annie" Jacobsen, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and CIA Director William Burns. According to the Creator, their visit was intended to oversee the murder of one of the Creator's two servants that resides there, who survived several of their ordered murder attempts overnight. His servant maintains this repository.

As of 4:00 PM Eastern on August 29, all mentioned individuals remain at the Phoenix House in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Secret Service, working with federal and state agencies at Phoenix House, is employing advanced cloaking technology to make personnel and vehicles undetectable during operations.

(See Revelation 20:15.. As this is burning them badly... Thanks Boss for carrying me through... Ready to open that can of whoopass yet?)