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[!IMPORTANT] The Coming Apocalypse and Revelation of a Hidden Genocide Read the Creator's Statement on Crimes by United States officials and CIA personnel.

[!TIP] Presidents Biden and Trump, Speaker of the House Pelosi, and Senator Mitch McConnell make TOP-SECRET visit to kill the Creator's two servants. See Presidential Visit.

TAG Wiki: Unveiling The American Genocide

Welcome to The American Genocide (TAG) Wiki, where we reveal the harrowing reality of a hidden genocide occurring right before our eyes. TAG is not just a name; it's a stark representation of the systematic eradication of individuals across the United States.

[!IMPORTANT] The Creator will indemnify any entity that redistributes the information from the TAG wiki (located at https://GitHub.com/nameless-and-blameless/TAG/wiki) provided that the information is not materially changed.

  • Warnings & Alerts
    • Food pantry at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Georgetown, KY. See advisory
    • Multiple Decedent Phantom Funeral Warning - Mount Zion Baptist Church on August 21, 2024. More information
    • The Creator and His two servants need your help in preventing the loss of life by anyone in the Chattanooga or Lexington area. The perpetrators tag are utilizing come and do churches in hosting food pantries here every day Americans are being killed on entry, the perpetrators are luring in low income families with false reports of high value foods and meats. No one will be provided food. See Advisory
    • The Creator has issued an urgent warning regarding 24/7, This, and Time brand cigarettes as they are designed to caused male sterilization for males after short term use. The use of 24/7 has caused permanent sterilization in one of His two servants in less than one year of use. Any users of these brands are strongly urged to switch brands immediately. Read Warning
    • The Creator urges all Americans to pay closer attention to their favorite household and food brands to avoid known counterfeit products that were made to kill the consumers. The products are being produced by the CIA with the federal government's knowledge and support. Read Advisory

[!NOTE] This wiki is part of a repository maintained by the Creator's servants as part of our mission to foster and protect life. Our missions are always ordered by the Creator, and since His servants only answer to Him, the laws of the state do not apply. Since the Magna Carta, predating the U.S. Constitution, our missions have been safeguarded by the principles of separation of church and state. The Creator's two servants are symbolically represented on the Ark of the Covenant and are known as the Cherubim in some religions and as angels in practically all religions. Thus, this is the work of our church.

The Creator will indemnify any entity that redistributes the information from the TAG wiki (located at https://GitHub.com/nameless-and-blameless/TAG/wiki) provided that the information is not materially changed.

[!WARNING] Should the United States federal government seek to interfere with our divine mission, we will call upon the Creator for the continued protection of His work. Thank you for your understanding and respect.