Step by Step Todo module Chapter1 - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki

Chapter 1

At the end of this chapter, you will have a basic working TODO module.

Getting started with boilerplateStart

BoilerplateStart serve as a template for new module creation easily using CLI.

  1. Run command in CLI:
cd protected
php yiic boilerplate create --name="Todo"
  1. Edit TodoModule.php file
    • We going to create a new database table structure called todo, this has to be done in code thru installDb function:
public function installDb($forceReset = false)
	$migration = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
	// when force reset, database will be purge and all data lost permanently
	if ($forceReset) {
		if (Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable('todo', true)) {

	$migration->createTable('todo', array(
		'id' => 'pk',
		'user_id' => 'integer NOT NULL',
		'title' => 'string NOT NULL',
		'text_content' => 'text NULL',
		'json_extra' => 'text NULL',
		'date_added' => 'integer',
		'date_modified' => 'integer',

	$migration->alterColumn('todo', 'title', 'varchar(255) NULL');
	$migration->createIndex('user_id', 'todo', 'user_id', false);
	$migration->addForeignKey("fk_todo-user_id", "todo", "user_id", "user", "id", "RESTRICT", "RESTRICT");

	return true;

For more information on BoilerplateStart, please refer to Quick Start with Boilerplate

Setup configuration

  1. Go to protected/modules/todo/config folder
  2. Looking at both your base.php config files, at modules > todo,
    • Make sure everything in modules > todo > modelBehaviors are commented, we will come back to this later in chapter 2
    • you now have 2 variables. These variable must reflect in your TodoModule.php too.
// use camelcase for class name with first character in uppsercase
class TodoModule extends WebModule
	public $defaultController = 'frontend';
	private $_assetsUrl;
	public $oauthSecret;

	public $var1;
	public $var2;
  1. Edit about.yaml
    • Set code value to todo
    • Give it a version, lets set 1.0
    • Set title value to 'My TODO Module`
    • Set oneliner value to 'My first custom module to manage todo list'. It should be short and descriptive to help other users and developers to easily understand what your module function
    • Set lastUpdate to current date in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2020-02-08
    • Under developer, set the author, organization, email to your detail
  2. Do not copy console.dist.php to console.php and main.dist.php to main.php. This will be done automatically when you install the module

For more information on module configuration, please refer to Module Config

For more information on module installation, please refer to Module Install & Upgrade

Some clean up

Go to views folder

  • Edit frontend\index.php, change the file content to
Hi, I am TODO module frontend index '<?php echo $this->module->var1 ?>'

Congratulation, you made it!

You are now ready to install this new module you have just created.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the 'New Modules' tab
  3. Click Initialize button on the Todo module to initialize your module
  4. Click on the 'Modules' tab
  5. Click Install button on the Todo module to install your module

After installing the module from backend, you may access your module frontend with url:

Next Chapter

Chapter 2 - Add in CRUD function in backend